The concept of energy is introduced by means of what is denominated the canonical formalism, which is the one usually employed in the traditional presentation of the theory, and which is discussed in terms of states and operators in a Hilbert space. It is therefore necessary to discuss some aspects of the relation of the formalism of the Euclidean lattice with the canonical formalism of quantum field theory. Our main objective in this section is to introduce and examine the concept of energy from the point of view of the theory formulated on the Euclidean lattice. Later on we will try to see under what conditions it is possible to establish connections between the lattice formalism and elements of the operator formalism, such as particles states, the Hamiltonian operator and its eigenstates.
In this section we will construct the canonical formalism on the Euclidean lattice, introducing the concepts of conjugate momenta and of the energy. We will use the well-known case of quantum mechanics both as a guide for our construction and as a way to verify the correction of our results. Always using the free scalar field of a single component as our basic example, we have the action
where both and
are dimensionless,
being the Lagrangian
density. In order to build the canonical formalism it is necessary to
separate one of the dimensions of the space, which we will call the time,
from the other dimensions, which we will call spacial dimensions. To make
things definite, we may think of the
case, but the formalism can be
used in any dimension. We will denote the
-dimensional sums by
, while those that do not include the time
will be written as
, respectively, and then
the sum over the temporal dimension will be denoted by
. The
temporal variables will be denoted by an index
. The lattice
will have
sites in the spacial directions and
sites in
the temporal direction. In general these two numbers will be equal, but
the possibility remains open that they be different, if and when this
becomes necessary for future discussions. We may rewrite the action in
this new notation, obtaining
Classically we may define the dimensionless conjugate momentum to the
field , which we shall call
, by means of
which is the usual relation except for the factor of , whose
introduction is due to the fact that we are doing the construction in
Euclidean space, as well as to the fact that
is the temporal
component of a vector. This conjugate momentum may be understood as a
site variable related to the link variable
which is
associated to the link that starts at that site and points in the
positive temporal direction. We may now define a dimensionless
Hamiltonian density is a way analogous to the usual definition,
which is the usual definition except for the factor of , due to
the Euclidean nature of our development, and of the factor
, chosen
by mere convenience. As we shall see later, independently of the choice
of sign adopted here there will always exist in the theory states with
both positive energy and negative energy, just as in the traditional
formalism. We may now add over the spacial part and write dimensionless
versions of the Lagrangian and of the Hamiltonian,
Observe that we wrote in terms of
in terms of
, in the usual way. Classically nothing changes if we
in terms of
, since this and
are equal. However, as we shall see in what follows, in the quantum
theory it is necessary to take seriously the distinction between
In order to define the quantum theory there are two paths we may follow.
On the one hand, we might follow our usual definition and write a
dimensionless version of the energy, as well as of any other observable
depending on , assuming that
, as the
expectation value
where is
exchanged by its classical value
. The dimensionfull version of the energy is
given by
, in terms of the lattice spacing
or of
the total temporal length
of the box. On the other hand, we might
start with a definition of the quantum theory in terms of independent
, with functional integrals
involving both the variables
and the variables
. As we
shall see, the results are different in each case. We will adopt as the
definition of the canonical version of the theory the following
expression for the observables,
where is a functional of
, and
is the
expression in (5.1.1). Observe that the dependency
is always Gaussian in this definition, independently of the
model under consideration, because we have
Note that, due to the introduction of the factor of in the
definition of
, the integrals on this variable converge in
Euclidean space so long as the integrations are made over real values,
exactly as in the case of
. It is understood, therefore, that at
each site we have the integrals
along the real axis of each one of the variables.
Hence we have a complete definition of all the observables of the theory
in the canonical formalism on the Euclidean lattice. It is important to
observe that when does not depend on
this definition reduces
to the previous one, since in this case we can do the integrations on
explicitly and return to the usual definition. In order to do this
we start by separating the variables, writing
We may then complete the square on in the exponent of the second
exponential, obtaining
We now shift the variable , defining a new variable
, and obtain for the integral on
Drawing now the complex- plane we can identify the relevant
integration paths.
Completing a closed circuit with two small arcs at infinity, at which the integral is zero, we use the residue theorem for the exponential, which has no poles, obtaining
which is a convergent integral that gives the usual result, which is
already known. However, the important fact here is that these integrals
do not depend on , which means that
in 5.1.4 we succeeded in decoupling the integrals on
from those on
. The factor that remains from the
completion of the square in 5.1.4,
completes in 5.1.3 the expression for the action, so that we have
that is, we recovered the usual definition. However, if the observable
depends on
then the results can only be obtained by means of
the canonical definition. If we substitute
by its classical value
and use the usual definition, the result will
be, in general, different from the result obtained by means of the
canonical definition.
An interesting exercise to illustrate the calculation of expectation
values of observables that depend on is the calculation at a given
site of the observables
, by means of
which we can examine the nature of the relation between
in the quantum theory. Of course, if we
calculate these observables according to the previous, non-canonical
definition, we will obtain zero for both. For the calculation of the
first of these two observables we start from the canonical definition
given in equation (5.1.2), whose numerator can be
written as
and we used once more some of
the manipulations used before. We may now modify the integration circuit
as we did before, obtaining
by a simple symmetry argument. We see therefore that and
have the same expectation value,
However, we may verify that
in a simple
way, calculating the second expectation value. Repeating the same
procedures and calculations used previously, and executing some Gaussian
integrations (problem 5.1.1), we obtain
This means that, although and
have the
same expectation value, the two quantities fluctuate around each other in
such a way that the difference between them is, typically, a
non-vanishing real number with a magnitude of the order of one.
We will now calculate the expectation value of the Hamiltonian in
this canonical version of the formalism. Since this corresponds to the
calculation of the energy of the vacuum state, this is the first step for
the determination of the role that the concept of energy plays in the
theory. For starters, let us worry about the calculation of the integrals
over the momenta. Starting from the definition of the expectation values
in the canonical formalism, and repeating once more some of the previous
operations, we may write for the expectation value of
, so that we may write for the
expression of
in the denominator
so that we have
where is the expression of
with the variable
. The linear integral on
vanishes by
symmetry and we have then
Doing the Gaussian integrations in the first term we obtain
where is the
that corresponds to
. In other words, we
see that the expectation values of
, calculated
respectively according to the definition of the observables in the
canonical formalism and according to the usual definition of the
observables, differ by a quantity which is divergent in the limit
, except in the case
of quantum mechanics.
Observe however that this is a constant quantity, in the sense that it
does not depend on the parameters and dynamical variables of the model,
being therefore of little physical relevance.
We may proceed now to the complete calculation of the energy of the vacuum, by evaluating the second term of the expression above. Writing this term explicitly we have
In order to simplify the calculation, we will use translation invariance
along the time direction, which is equivalent to a kind of internal
conservation of energy. This invariance exists by construction in the
vacuum state of the model we are dealing with. We may define a new
, related to the energy, through the average of
over a temporal block, which might be the whole lattice,
The invariance by temporal translation implies that
have the same expectation value, but they are really two conceptually
different observables. Observe that, in the spirit of the discussion in
section 4.3, it is not possible to measure an energy at a
perfectly well-defined instant, that is, on a vanishing temporal interval
, so that in any real situation we will always be making an
average over a temporal block when we measure the energy. In our case
here we simply adopted a maximal block, making an average over the whole
extent of the lattice. Getting back to our calculation, due to the
temporal translation invariance we may add over the temporal direction
and then divide by
, without any change in the result, thus
We may now use Fourier transforms in dimensions to calculate this in
a simple way, writing the expression in the form
where the action may be written in momentum space as
, that, in the general case in
which we have
, may be written explicitly as
so that the expectation value of
is given by
leading therefore to the result for the term we are examining,
With this result we can assemble the final expression for the dimensionless energy,
where we used the facts that
and that
. We may now write the final
result for the dimensionfull form
of the energy,
In order to better understand this result it is necessary to examine the
behavior of the sums it contains. For this it is useful to examine first
the case , which corresponds to the quantum mechanics of a harmonic
oscillator with angular frequency
, in which case we have
and we may write
where and
are the minimum and maximum values of
on lattices with a given
. Note that the term
of this
sum, unlike all the others, is simply equal to
and does not depend on
, while all the others go to zero for
. It
follows that in this limit the sum goes to
and we have, therefore,
. Since
is the energy scale associated
to the temporal size of our box, we see that this effect is due to the
infrared cutoff established by the box. In the limit in which we make the
box infinite in the temporal direction this effect disappears and we have
In order to determine the exact value of this sum in the opposite case,
when instead of we have
, it is necessary to
make a numerical evaluation. It is possible, however, to establish
analytically upper and lower bounds to the sum
(problems 5.1.2, 5.1.3
and 5.1.4), showing that, for even
a relation that, in the limit
, results in
In order to examine the case we may make an approximation
of the sum by an integral, which is a good approximation for large
. In this case we have for the minimum variation of the momentum
, so that we get
![]() |
In the limit
with finite
arc-tangent tends to
and hence we obtain the expected result for
the harmonic oscillator,
Note that this is the exact result only in the case in which the temporal
box is infinite, with
, so that the approximation by
an integral is not sufficient to show the infrared effects due to the
finite temporal box.
![]() |
For a more detailed examination of the complete behavior of the energy as
a function of and
it is necessary to calculate the sum
numerically (problem 5.1.5). The results of such a
calculation appear in figures 5.1.1
and 5.1.2. The graph in
figure 5.1.1 shows the energy in the continuum
limit, as well as the upper and lower bounds that it is possible to
establish analytically for it, in this limit. Besides the result in an
infinite temporal box, the result in a finite box is also shown, to
illustrate the infrared effects that exist in this case. In this graph
the central straight line corresponds to the continuum limit in an
infinite temporal box, that is, to the case
. The other straight lines correspond to the upper
and lower bounds which are proposed as problems to the reader. The lower
straight line corresponds to the lower bound to which
problem 5.1.2 makes reference, while the improved
lower bound proposed in problem 5.1.3 coincides
with the central straight line. The curved line corresponds to the
numerical result for
The graph in figure 5.1.2 shows the energy in the
continuum limit and on various finite lattices, illustrating the way in
which these results approach their limit when
. Note that, for each finite lattice, the lattice
result is above the continuum limit for
sufficiently small,
but falls below it above a certain value of this variable. We are seeing
here an ultraviolet effect: if we increase sufficiently the frequency
, decreasing therefore the corresponding wavelength until it is
of the order of the lattice spacing
, we start to see clearly the
distortions cause by the discrete character of the lattice. The numerical
evidence indicates clearly that
is the exact result
for the energy in the continuum limit within an infinite temporal box,
but it seems that it is rather difficult to obtain this result
We may now return to the discussion of the -dimensional case for
, whose result for the energy is given in
equation (5.1.5), which we may rewrite as
. Note that the sum in
has the same form of the sum that we just discussed in the case
of quantum mechanics. However, the continuum limit of this sum behaves in
a way that is very different from what happens in the case
, due to
the way in which the quantity
, which contains the spacial components
of the dimensionless momentum, scales in the limit, for
. In fact, the quantity
diverges in this case, when we make
![]() |
One can understand this fact by observing that the result above is a sum,
of something similar to the energy of the ground state of a harmonic
oscillator, over all the degrees of freedom of a
-dimensional section of the lattice, so that this sum is certainly
divergent at least as
. In addition to this, the harmonic
oscillators over which we are adding have all the possible frequencies in
the temporal direction of the lattice, so that their ground state
energies vary from values of the order of
to values of the order of
. For this reason, the quantity
diverges in fact as
. We can verify this fact doing a numerical evaluation
of the sums involved (problem 5.1.6). Since the
sums diverge, it is more convenient to evaluate the energy per site
The graph in figure 5.1.3 shows the result of
such a calculation, done in the symmetrical case . As one
can see, the quantity
converges quite rapidly to the value
, in each dimension, when we make
, for any
value of the mass
. In fact, one can demonstrate that this
quantity can be written (problem 5.1.7) as
where is the local width of the field, a quantity that was
extensively discussed in section 4.1. Since for
quantity does not diverge faster than or as fast as
in the
limit, while
the second term goes to zero because
goes to zero for finite
. The convergence is progressively faster for progressively
smaller values of
Observe that, if we make
while we take the continuum
limit, thus eliminating the infrared effects due to the finite size of
the temporal box, the energy ceases to diverge as
and becomes
divergent as
, with a power
in the range
. This
is due to the fact that we can make
go to infinity as
only with
, since
would of course correspond to keeping
finite, while
would imply that the lattice spacing
would be
kept finite, in which case the limit
would would
no longer be a continuum limit.
In the traditional formalism of quantum field theory the result for the
energy of the vacuum is constructed as the sum of a collection of
quantum-mechanical ground-state results, one for each mode. We can try to
obtain, from the result for the energy shown in
equation (5.1.7), a somewhat clearer relation
between the results of quantum mechanics and of the quantum theory of
fields. However, we will see that this relation cannot be established in
a completely exact and precise form, for reasons related to the order in
which the limits involved are to be taken, a subject that will turn out
to be very important later on. In order that we be able to sketch an
argument to this effect, it is necessary that we consider the symmetrical
limit in which . The result obtained in the case of
quantum mechanics for the sum over
that appears in
equation (5.1.7), in the
limit, for a large temporal box, implies that we have
so that we may write for the energy of the vacuum
where we used the fact that
that, for large
, the dimensionfull linear momentum. In short, we may write that
which is a sum of the relativistic energies of free particles with rest
mass and linear momentum
, with an overall factor of
there being one term in the sum for each Fourier mode existing within a
-dimensional box. This is the sum of the so-called zero-point
energies, the energies of the ground states of each one of the
uncoupled harmonic oscillators that are associated to each
one of these
-dimensional modes.
However, this argument cannot do more than to give us a general but
imprecise idea about the relation between the case and the case
since, in order to make the argument rigorous, it would be
necessary to first take the limit
, thus reducing
the problem to the quantum mechanics of a system with a finite number of
degrees of freedom in its
-dimensional section, taking only after
that the limit
. However, the fact is that the
results of the
case that were used above are not valid if we take
the limits over
separately in this order. This is due
to the fact that the quantity
which appears in the denominator of the sum over
equation (5.1.7) behaves in a way that is different
from the behavior of the corresponding quantity in the case of quantum
. We should recall that the
complete expression of
where we have within the argument of the sine function, not
. While
has a finite limit when we make
, the quantity
does not have a finite limit, but instead of that diverges as
. If we had
, that is, the symmetrical limit,
then the sine function would go to zero as
, compensating for
this divergence, but it is not possible to take the limit
is kept finite and still obtain
finite results. In addition to this, in this case we cannot say that
as we did above.
As an exercise to illustrate the difference between the results of the two formalisms, starting from the result of the traditional formalism for the energy of the vacuum,
we may translate it to the lattice, writing a corresponding result for
the energy per site, valid for the case in the limit
and then calculate numerically, for large values of , the sum which
appears in the resulting expression
(problem 5.1.8). One verifies that the result
obtained in this way is always larger that the result of the lattice
formalism, for any value
of the dimension. In
, for
example, we obtain approximately
for this result, to be compared
to the lattice result
We see in this way that the results of the quantum theory of fields have
the potential to depend in a significant way on the order of the limits
over and
. In our case here this fact is of only secondary
importance, because the energy of the vacuum diverges anyway, whatever
the order of the limits, having therefore no direct physical relevance.
We will see later on that, in order to define an energy that makes
physical sense, it will be necessary to consider only the variations of the energy with respect to the energy of the vacuum, not
the absolute value of the energy, a procedure that corresponds to what is
called a subtractive “renormalization” of all the energies, exactly as
is done in the traditional presentation of the theory. However, we see
here that the usual argument of the traditional presentation, that this
divergence is due to the sum of an infinite number of zero-point energies
of harmonic oscillators, cannot be taken as more than an approximate
intuitive argument, without exact mathematical validity.
Consider the case in which is even, for which the limits of
. Show that this sum
satisfies the inequalities
In order to do this you should consider in separate the terms
of the sum and observe that all the others can be
organized in pairs. In this way, rewrite the sum in terms of a sum of a
monotonically decreasing function. After that, compare the sum with the
integral of this function taken in an appropriate interval. Making a
graph of the function, including the points of the sum and the integral,
may help a lot. You will have to look up in a table of integrals the
value of the definite integral
Take the
limit of these relations and show that
which is tighter than the previous one. You will have to show that the
graph of the monotonically decreasing function that appears inside the
sum has its concavity turned upwards along all the domain of the
integral. You can do this calculating the second derivative of the
function and showing that the first derivative is also a monotonic
function, in this case an increasing function. After that take the limit
and show that
Show also that the value obtained for the lower bound of the sum in the
is larger than the value of the lower
bound of the sum for finite
, that is, show that taking the
limit tightens the lower bound.
where is the local width defined in section 4.1,
which has a finite limit in the continuum limit for
. The case
has to be examined in separate, refer to the section mentioned in
order to verify the behavior of
in this case.
. Remember that in the quantum theory
of fields we have
. Use your program for
progressively larger values of
and try to show that, in
, the
limiting value for this result is approximately
. Try to relate
the fact that this result is larger than the corresponding result in the
lattice formalism (
) with the behavior in the limit of the sum that
appears in the lattice formalism in the case
, which is shown in the
graph of figure 5.1.2.