As we saw in section 3.4, the complete solution of the theory of the free scalar field is reducible to the calculation of the propagator, with the consequence that all the physics of the theory is contained in the structure of this propagator. We will examine here, in more detail, the properties of this function, which describes how objects propagate in this model. Since propagation is in itself an important physical phenomenon, it is worth wile to focus for some time on a more detailed analysis of the structure of the propagator.
In momentum space this structure is very simple, it is just a function of the momenta that decays quadratically for large momenta. In the context of the acquisition of a better understanding of the inner workings of the quantum model, the exploration that is of most interest to us is that of the propagator in position space. The dimensionless propagator in position space,
is a function only of
and may be written as
as we saw in the derivation of equation (3.4.3). Our
initial objective relative to this function is to calculate its value for
, in which case we have the quantity
a quantity that, by discrete translation invariance on the torus, is
independent of position. Since we have that
, it follows that
is the
square of the width of the distribution of values of the dimensionless
at a give site, that is,
the average size of the fluctuations of the field around its average
value of zero. We will refer to
as the local width of the
distribution of the fields. We may write for this quantity
With the objective of determining whether or not this quantity has a
finite limit in the continuum limit, we start by approximating it by an
integral. Note that this is a mere approximation, which allows us to
acquire a qualitative idea of the behavior of this quantity, and that the
expression above for does not converge to an integral
in the continuum limit, since we are taking this limit within a finite
box, where the Fourier modes and their momenta are always discrete. Since
the smallest non-vanishing value for the momentum components inside the
box is
, the “element of volume” in momentum space is given by
Substituting this “” in equation (4.1.1) and
approximating the discrete lattice quantity
we obtain
so that we may now approximate by the integral
We must now discuss how to determine the extremes of integration. Note
that for , due to the factor of
in the denominator,
the result can only be non-vanishing in the
limit if
the integral diverges in that limit. For
near zero the integrand is
finite, so long as
is not zero, so that the integral cannot
diverge at this extreme. For simplicity, let us assume temporarily that
, postponing until later the discussion of the case
. It follows from these considerations that for
only part of the domain of integration that matters is the one for large
absolute values
of the momenta. In any case, we can write the
integral in spherical coordinates in momentum space, obtaining
where is the complete solid angle in
dimensions and
is the largest possible value for the components of the momentum
on a lattice with
sites in each direction. Since we are not
interested in the lower limit of the integral, we may neglect the
that appears in the denominator and write the integral as
where is some small and finite but non-vanishing value of the
momentum, which we could choose to be
. Recalling that
we are discussing all this mostly in the context of the case
we see now that for dimensions
the factor of
appear in the
denominator, so that indeed we will have to examine the cases
separately. We may now do the integration for the case
were we neglected the contribution from the lower extreme of the
integral, which vanishes in the limit. We see that the factors of
cancel out and that the final result for
in the limit
which is finite, for in our case here and
always a finite number different from zero, since it is the volume of a
compact manifold, the surface of the
-dimensional unit sphere. For the
the exponent of
vanishes, so that the factor in front of
the integral neither diverges nor vanishes. It follows that in this case
both the upper and the lower extremes of integration are in principle
important. In this case we have
and the integral
results in
so that the upper extreme still dominates and in this case
diverges logarithmically with
, in fact a type of behavior that is
very common in the case
. In the case
the factor in front of
the integral diverges as
, so that in this case we have the opposite
of what happens in the other cases, and only the lower extreme of the
integral contributes. In this case we have that
and the
integral may be written as
so that in this case diverges linearly with
. Due to the
fact that in these cases the lower extreme contributes significantly to
the integral, these are the only cases in which the results depend on
, that is, on the details of the choice of the lower integration
limit. Since this limit was introduced only to allow us to eliminate
from the integrand and hence facilitate the realization of the
integral, this means, in fact, that in these cases the results depend on
. In fact, it is possible to improve the analytical calculation in
the case
(problem 4.1.1), so as to verify this is
an explicit way.
One can perform more careful calculations than these to evaluate the sums
that appear in the formulas for , building integrals that are
strict lower bounds and strict upper bounds to the sums
(problem 4.1.4), so as to prove that
in fact behaves as a function of
, for large
, in the way given
here. In any case, it must be emphasized that these are all just
approximations that allow us to determine no more than the type of
asymptotic dependency of
. This is still true even
if we make the volume
of the box go to infinity, so that the
volume element
in momentum space goes to zero. The reason
is that the quantity
that appears in the
integrand only approaches
kept finite, while the sum over the momenta will always include terms in
. Hence, for terms close to the upper limit of
the sum it is not true that
. Note
that for
, since it is necessary that the integrals diverge in
order for
not to vanish, the main contribution to the final
result comes precisely from such terms. The same is true for
, while
the situation is reversed, and the main contribution comes from
the lower extreme of the integral, so that in this case it is possible
that the result of the approximation by the integral in fact becomes
exact when we go to infinite space, if we do not make any further
For a precise calculation of the values of in each dimension
it is necessary to write programs to performs the sums on finite lattices
with various sizes and then to extrapolate the results to the case
. The graphs that can be found in the figures
numbered from 4.1.1 to 4.1.5
show the values of
for sequences of finite lattices in
, for the case
, obtained by the
use of such programs. For
one can see clearly the linear divergence
. In the case
the logarithmic divergence is also quite
clear and it is not difficult to make sure of its nature by simply
plotting the graph on an adequate logarithmic scale
(problem 4.1.5). Starting with the
case the
behavior changes radically, the function
becomes a
decreasing rather than increasing function of
, approaching a plateau
at a finite and non-vanishing value. The flatness of this plateau becomes
clearer as the dimension increases, at the same time that its value
decreases. In addition to this, as the dimension increases the value of
the plateau is approached ever faster, for lattices which are ever
smaller in their linear dimensions. Extrapolating these results
(problem 4.1.6) to the limit
we obtain for
the final results shown in
table 4.1.1.
In all this analysis we see, in a very clear way, that the cases
are very special. For
we have finite fluctuations of
the values of
at the sites, while for
fluctuations diverge. Observe that in all cases
is the
maximum value of
, because for
the terms
of the sum that defines
are multiplied by numbers with absolute
values smaller than
. This is consistent with the graphs of these
functions that we saw before in section 3.5, which decay when
moves away form
We will now examine the behavior of the dimensionfull versions of and
. Note that we can define a quantity
for the
dimensionfull field in a way analogous to the definition of
Given the scaling relations for the fields, we immediately have that
, so that we may immediately deduce from
table 4.1.1 the behavior of
. In
this quantity has a finite value proportional to
and for
it is equal to
, and therefore it diverges in the same way,
logarithmically. However, for
it diverges with some power of
, from which it follows that the dimensionfull field undergoes
fluctuations of infinite magnitude in the continuum limit. This is the
first sign indicating the extremely singular character of the behavior of
the theory, and possibly the fact that the fundamental fields are not
variables amenable to a direct physical interpretation.
Let us now continue our analysis by the examination of the behavior of
the propagators in position space in the case in which and
are two distinct points. Still from our scaling relations
for the fields we have that those of the propagator should be
, where
, so that we may write for
This time our objective is to show that the function is finite in the
continuum limit, so long as
. We will once
more approximate the sum by an integral,
Observe that this time there are no divergent terms in front of the
integrals. Once more, we must discuss the extremes of integration. Our
intention here is to eventually make
, going in this
way from the finite box to infinite space, where
has a simpler form.
For the time being, however, we are still doing the integration in the
context of a finite position-space volume. For simplicity, we will
approximate the momentum-space integral doing it over a spherical domain
whose radius is the largest possible value of a momentum component on a
-dimensional lattice with
sites. Under these conditions, if we
, we see that
depends only on
the modulus
of the vector
because, if we make an arbitrary
change in the angles of the versor
, we can make the integral
over the momenta return to its previous form doing a corresponding
rotation of the integration variables. Hence we can put
in the
direction of the
component of
and write, for
, without loss of generality,
where is the angle between the vector
and its
component and the angular integration is over the solid
of the
-dimensional space, with integration
element given by
where the azimuthal angle goes from
and all the
others go from
. Naturally, the total solid angle being a
compact integration domain and the integrand a bounded function within
it, the integration over the angles in (4.1.3)
always gives finite results. In addition to this, as one can verify in
detail in each case, the oscillations of the complex exponential cause
the integration over
to converge, resulting always in a function that
decays quickly for large
, as a decreasing exponential. Due to this,
in this case it is always the lower integration extreme of the integral
that dominates and, therefore, the results will depend on
in any dimension
We will perform here the integrals in the cases and
, leaving
the others to the reader (problem 4.1.7). For the
time being, we restrict the discussion to the case
. In the
simplest case,
, as well as in the case
, it is really neither
necessary nor useful to write the integral in the form of given in
equation (4.1.3). In the case
, with
, we may calculate directly the integral in the form shown
in (4.1.2),
We may calculate this integral in the complex- plane without
difficulty, in the limit
. In this case the integral
runs over the real line and, if
, we should close the circuit with
an arc at infinity, of size
, in the lower half-plane, where the
imaginary part of
is negative, so that the argument of the
, has a negative real part.
Figure 4.1.6 illustrates the complex-
with the integration contours and the poles of the integrand at
. In this case the integral is equal to
times the value of the residue of the integrand in the
lower pole, that is,
If we should close the contour by the other side, the factor
multiplying the residue is
, and hence we obtain in this
Defining , we can join the two answers in the final result
We see that the result is finite for all values of , including
If fact, we can verify directly that
is finite in this case. As we
saw before, we have for the dimensionless function the behavior
and, since in the case
it holds that
, it
follows that
, which is also finite. The complete
equality of the two results corresponds to the choice
for the lower extreme
on the integral used in the approximate
calculation of
Passing now to the case , in this case we have from
equation (4.1.3) that
We can do immediately the integrals over e
, obtaining
If we now observe that the integrand is even, we may write this as
where we again wrote the sine in terms of complex exponentials. Each one
of these two integrals can be done in the complex- plane, in the limit
, in the same way in which we did the integral in the
, closing the circuit in the appropriate way in each case.
Doing this we obtain
With this, we have the final result
This function is the Yukawa potential that, in the limit ,
reduces to the Coulomb potential of electrostatics. Just as in the case
, for
this function also falls off exponentially for
large values of
, and it is finite at all points except at
where it diverges. Once more this is compatible with our previous
calculation for
, since we saw that
is finite and, for
, we have that
, which means that
diverges when
and therefore
. In fact, one can
verify that
is finite at the origin only for
, and that in
all the other cases, starting with
, it diverges, typically with a
negative power of
which is characteristic of each dimension
. The
calculated as in the examples above, for various dimensions
, are given in the table 4.1.2, which also
contains the corresponding asymptotic behaviors for
that is, for
, as well as for
. The
in this table are Bessel functions.
As one can see, these functions in infinite space have relatively simple
forms in terms of known functions. In a finite box the form of the
correlation functions is not so simple, and in general cannot be written
in a simple way in terms of known functions, but only as infinite series
(problem 4.1.8). However, they continue to be finite
at all points different from
, so that there
are no important qualitative differences between the two cases. One
observes that the propagators in the cases
diverge in the
. These are what one refers to as infrared
divergences, a type of behavior which is characteristic of the lower
dimensions, in particular of
. One can verify that the
behavior for
is also problematic in the case of the
calculations of
which we did before. We will now examine how
behaves in this limit, in each dimension. From
equation (4.1.1) we see that
diverges if we make
, even on finite lattices,
because the term of the sum involving the mode
in this limit. We may write for
where in the sum
the zero mode is omitted. As we
mentioned before, the Gaussian model on the torus indeed has a zero mode
in the case
, which is what is causing us trouble. This is
not a physical problem, but only a mathematical problem that reflects the
fact that the periodical boundary conditions are not completely realistic
from the physical point of view. If we want to deal with models where
on finite lattices, it will be necessary to change
slightly the dynamics of the models in order to eliminate the degree of
freedom corresponding to the zero mode, as indeed we will do in future
volumes, when we discuss non-linear models of scalar fields.
However, it is not necessary to make on finite lattices in
order to study field theories which are massless in the continuum limit.
It suffices to recall that
is related to the mass by
, so that
to zero in the limit no matter what value is given to
. Since we
we can either cause to have a finite non-vanishing limit, by
means of a decrease in
given by
, or cause
to vanish in the limit by means of a decrease in
which is
faster than
. Hence, there is a way to represent zero-mass
theories by means of infinite sequences of finite lattices in which
is always different from zero, which avoids the divergence
of the zero-mode term in the sum that defines
. It remains to
be seen how this term behaves in the continuum limit, in each dimension.
For finite masses we have that this term is
so that we see that this term goes to zero for , is constant for
and diverges with
. In all cases these results do not
significantly affect the calculations made before for
. For
the zero-mode term has exactly the same behavior found for the sum,
it is constant while the sum diverges logarithmically and for
it goes to zero, while the sum has a finite non-vanishing
In order to have
in the continuum limit it suffices
to make
vary with
where is some positive constant and
some positive
number, which we imagine to be small. In this case the zero-mode term is
We see that this term continues to go to zero for , so long as
is smaller than
. For
, however, it becomes
divergent as
, that is, faster than the sum, while in
the situation is similar, since in this case it diverges as
, also faster than the sum. Therefore, we see that for
presents in fact infrared divergences
similar to those of
, when we make
. These
facts are peculiar of these low dimensions and should now worry us. The
important thing is that there are no divergences in the expression of
in the cases
, when we make
go to zero, so
that the results we obtained before continue to hold in these
dimensions. This is not surprising because, as we discussed before, for
one can see that the main contributions to
from the large-momentum terms of the sum, so that the results should not
depend on
, which is a quantity characteristic of the low-momentum
region. Since
cannot depend at all on
under these
conditions, it is clear that its behavior should not change when we make
The graphs we showed before to illustrate the behavior of as
a function of
in each dimension were obtained using the value
, but we see now that this is not really a relevant fact. For the
, the only ones in which
converges to a
finite value in the limit, one can show
(problem 4.1.9) that in fact the limits are
completely independent of
We will end this section using the facts established do far in order to
show a rather surprising fact relating to the behavior of the two-point
correlation functions in quantum field theory. If we recall the basic
definition of the correlation function in the context of statistical
mechanics, discussed in section 3.2, we see that it does not
really make any difference if we discuss the correlations in terms of the
dimensionless function or in terms of the dimensionfull function
because in any case we should analyze the statistical correlations among
the fields at various points by means of the homogeneous correlation
We can calculate this function on finite lattices without any trouble and
then take the continuum limit. Let us examine then how
in this limit. It is clear that, by definition,
is always equal
to one, both on finite lattices and in the continuum limit. For other
values of
we saw that
is finite in the limit, while
diverges. It follows therefore that in the continuum limit
vanishes for all non-vanishing values of
. Since for the cases of
interest, with
is also finite and non-vanishing in the
limit, it follows that for
the two-point function
is also zero for
. In short, we have the continuum-limit
The meaning of these results is that the fundamental fields of quantum
field theory become completely uncorrelated in the continuum
limit. One can say that when one takes the continuum limit all the
structure of the two-point function, including the characteristics of the
exponential decay related to the mass, collapse into the origin. The
result of the continuum limit looks like utter uncorrelated chaos. This
is a surprising result, because the correlation between the fields in
Euclidean space is directly related to the propagation of perturbations
across space-time in the non-Euclidean version of the theory.
Furthermore, the nature of this propagation process is supposedly
classifiable according to the value of the physical mass , which
can be either zero or not zero.
In order to better understand the significance of these functions in
quantum field theory it is essential that we introduce the concept of
block variables, which we shall examine in detail later on. We will
see that these block variables are the mechanism by means of which
physical order arises out of the utter chaos of the underlying realm of
the fundamental field variables. In this way one can say that quantum
field theory is an example of a type of self-organizing structure. We
will also see that in quantum field theory the only reasonably simple way
to deal with the dynamics of the models is to work with the dimensionfull
propagator , which is finite at all points but the origin. Only
through an analysis involving block variables we may understand why this
function is the one that has most physical relevance, despite its
divergence at the origin.
The behavior of shown above will also be useful in the intuitive
discussion of the important phenomenon of the triviality of the
non-linear models of scalar fields, which we will discuss in future
volumes. This triviality means that the models fail to contain physical
interactions between particles in the continuum limit, despite their
non-linear nature. This is one reason why we must look elsewhere for
physically relevant interacting models, and are thus naturally led to the
study of gauge theories.
as reported in one of the tables given in the text.
where ,
are unknown constants. Repeat the fitting
for several subsets of the data, each with an increasing maximum value of
, in some convenient way, thus obtaining successive estimates for
these three quantities, for increasing values of
. In this fashion,
obtain an extrapolation of the result for these three quantities to the
continuum limit
, with constant
. Hint: try to
start your fitting with
remember that the important thing is to adjust the function for large
values of