The mathematical structure of quantum field theory, in the form in which
it was defined in section 3.1, is formally identical to the
mathematical formalism used in statistical mechanics for lattice systems.
The mathematical difficulties that must be faced in the calculation of
the averages are the same in either case and, in fact, the case
coincides completely with the formalism of the micro-canonical ensemble
of statistical mechanics. In the case
, particularly because there
is then the additional issue of changing from Euclidean space to
Minkowski space, we have only an analogy with respect to the physical
aspects of the theory, however this analogy is extremely useful as a
guide for our physical intuition within quantum field theory. Often
concepts of statistical mechanics find use in quantum field theory and
their nomenclature is used for the corresponding mathematical elements in
that theory, but we should not loose sight of the great differences of
physical interpretation that exist between the two theories.
We will make here a few comparisons between terms and concepts of each theory, relating each element of our structure to the corresponding elements of statistical mechanics. We will also point out the main differences of interpretation between the two theories, in addition to introducing some concepts that are of great importance and usefulness. Without intending to develop the subject in detail or to show objective evidences of the facts mentioned, we will try to describe the main facts relating to the aspects of statistical mechanics that are most important for quantum field theory, specially those related to the phenomenology of systems that display phase transitions and critical behavior.
In statistical mechanics the lattice usually represents some real
crystalline structure, which implies, in particular, that in this case
there is a natural length scale in the system, defined by the lattice
spacing of this crystalline structure as measured in terms of the atomic
and molecular parameters of matter. The paradigmatic topic for the use of
the lattice in statistical mechanics is the study of crystalline
substances with magnetic properties. In this case the fields
associated to each site are representations of the spins of the
components of matter, and of their magnetic moments. In this context the
quantity that plays the role of the action is the energy, represented by
the Hamiltonian function
of the system of spins, the relative
statistical weights being given by the usual Boltzmann distribution
, where
is the usual factor
involving the temperature
of the system. A simple model that is very
popular for this type of study is the Ising model, in which we have at
each site a one-dimensional spin
that can assume only two
discrete values,
. The energy of the system is given by
In future volumes we will see that there are indeed close relations between this model and the models of scalar fields in quantum field theory. Observe that this Hamiltonian causes it to be energetically favorable for neighboring spins to have the same sign, that is, for them to align with each other. The denominator that appears in (3.1.1) corresponds in this case to the partition function of the statistical model,
where the indicated sum is over all the configurations
of the system, that is, all possible combinations of
at all
the sites of the lattice. This model was created and is widely used for
the study of critical phenomena in statistical mechanics, which are
associated to phase transitions in the materials. Processes such as
the boiling of liquids and the spontaneous magnetization of certain
metals and other materials are examples of phase transitions. The Ising
model can be solved without too much difficulty in the case
, but in
this case it does not display critical behavior. On the other hand, in
any dimension equal to or greater than
it does display critical
behavior, but the exact solution of the model is unknown in the majority
of these cases. The case
is extremely special because it is one of
the very few models with critical behavior between two distinct phases
that can be solved exactly, under certain conditions. It is necessary to
emphasize here that all these models only display critical behavior in
limit, that is, when we have extremely large
lattices, as is the case for the real crystalline lattices of macroscopic
quantities of materials.
Models like these, that display critical behavior, will be of extreme
interest for quantum field theory. In the case of the Ising model the
spins are discrete variables, but it is also possible to define similar
models with continuous variables, which will be of even greater
interest. One such example is the Heisenberg model, in which we consider
that there exists at each site a three-dimensional classical spin, that
is, a vector with three components and fixed modulus
. These are continuous variables that span the two-dimensional
, rather than discrete variables as in the Ising model.
In this case the Hamiltonian is given by
where the dot denotes the scalar product of vectors. As we shall see in
future volumes, this model also has close relations with the models of
scalar fields of quantum field theory. An important difference between
this type of model and the Ising model is that in this case is
invariant by a continuous set of symmetry transformations, the set of
three-dimensional rotations, while in the discrete Ising model
invariant by a discrete set of transformations, the sign reflections of
the spins. In this continuous case the partition function is not given by
a discrete sum, but rather by a functional integral
where is the area element of
. These models only
display critical behavior for
, not for
. In fact, it
is a fairly well-established fact that in
there are no models with
couplings only between next neighbors that display the long-range order
which is characteristic of the type of critical behavior that is of
interest for us in quantum field theory. The same is true in
models which are invariant by continuous symmetry transformations, as is
the case for the Heisenberg model. The particular case of the Ising model
is not an exception to this rule, because in this very special
case the invariance transformations are discrete, not continuous.
The behavior of the Heisenberg models for may be described in a
qualitative way as follows. The case of the Ising models is a little
different due to the fact that the variables are discrete, but all the
fundamental facts relative to the behavior close to the critical point
are similar. First, we define a quantity
, which we refer to
here as the magnetization, which is simply the sum of all spins,
In the case of the quantum theory of fields, we would be more interested in the average value of the fields over the lattice,
which is basically the same quantity with a different normalization. We
say that the modulus of the average value of is the order
parameter of the system, because its behavior characterizes the two
phases in which the system can exist. For high temperatures
, that is,
for small
, the model has a phase that is denominated symmetrical or disordered and that is characterized by the value
for the quantity shown, which we name the scalar magnetization , where
the statistical average is defined by
For low temperatures and hence large
the model has an ordered or broken-symmetrical phase, in which
. These two
regions of values of
are separated by a certain value
, the
critical temperature, which is finite and non-zero for
. The two
phases have very different thermodynamical characteristics, which change
abruptly at
. For example, the typical qualitative behavior of the
scalar magnetization is given in the graph of
figure 3.2.1, where
In the symmetrical phase the spins are distributed in a very random way
across the lattice and the correlations between a site and its neighbors
are weak, that is, if the spin at a certain site points in one direction
the probabilities that the spin of one of its neighbors point in the same
direction or in the inverse direction are practically the same. Sites
which are more distant from one another than next neighbors are even less
correlated. Clearly, this tends to make the average of go to
zero. We say that this phase is highly uncorrelated or that is has a
short correlation length. In the broken-symmetrical phase the
situation is the opposite of this one, the spins tend to be all aligned
with each other, causing the average of
to be different from
zero. In this phase there are long-range correlations in the system, that
appear dynamically as spin waves that propagate along the
crystalline lattice. If disturbed, the spins oscillate is a coordinated
way, each one affecting significantly its neighbors and giving origin to
perturbations that propagate like waves for long distances. Se say that
in this case the system is highly correlated or that it has a long
correlation length. The point
is very special because this is
the only point where we have at the same time
and long-range
As one can see in the graph of the scalar magnetization given in
figure 3.2.1, at the critical point the
magnetization has a singular behavior, and is not differentiable as a
function of . In general the systems that display phase
transitions are characterized by some form of singular behavior at the
critical point that separates the two phases. We may classify the
critical systems according to the degree of singularity that they display
at the transition point. The first order critical systems, of which
boiling liquids are an example, are systems in which the order parameter,
for example the density of the fluid, has itself a discontinuous behavior
at the transition. Systems like the spontaneous magnetization models that
we discuss here, in which the order parameter is continuous but not
differentiable at the transition point, are denominated second
order critical systems, and are the only ones of real interest for the
quantum theory of fields. This is due to the fact that the first order
systems, unlike the second order ones, do not have long range
correlations at the critical point
. The existence of these long
range correlations is essential for the very existence of the quantum
field theories in the continuum limit. Due to this, only the immediacy of
the critical points of models with second-order phase transitions are of
interest for the quantum theory of fields, unlike what happens in
statistical mechanics, where all the other regions of the space of
parameters of the models also correspond to situations of physical
In the classical theory of the free scalar field we saw that in order to
obtain a finite mass in the continuum limit it is necessary to
make the parameter
go to zero in the limit. It was mentioned
then that this was a special value of this parameter, the critical value.
We will see that in the quantum theory this is in fact a critical point
of the model. In this case there is no phase transition, properly
speaking, because the model only exists at all in one of the two regions
of the
real line separated by the critical value, the
half-axis in which
. In the other half-axis the model is
unstable, in the sense that in this region it is not possible to define
it by means of the Euclidean lattice as we did here. We may denominate
this region as the unstable “phase”, a name that comes from the
fact that the computer simulations, that one may try to execute in this
region, are in fact unstable, making the dimensionless fields
diverge randomly to infinity. The phase that does exist is denominated
“symmetrical phase” for reasons the will become clear in future volumes
when we examine the polynomial models of scalar fields. We can represent
all this situation by means of a critical diagram like the one in
figure 3.2.2, as we will do in future volumes
for less trivial models than this one. In statistical mechanics the free
theory is called the Gaussian model and the critical point
is called the Gaussian critical point.
One of the most fundamental differences between statistical mechanics and
quantum field theory relates to the types of limits that are of interest
in each case. In both cases we are interested in the limit
, but in statistical mechanics this limit is taken in
a way that does not characterize it as a continuum limit, but rather as
the thermodynamical limit in which we make the volume of the system tend
to infinity. This is due to the fact that in this case the lattice
does not go to zero, but instead of this is kept constant,
which implies that the size
of the box must become infinite in the
limit. This is the limit that corresponds to the study of macroscopic
samples of materials whose structure is a lattice at the atomic level,
where the lattice spacing
establishes the physically relevant scale.
In the case of quantum field theory we may either make the volume tend to
infinity or keep it finite, but what is important is that in either case
the lattice spacing
be made to go to zero in comparison to the length
scales that are relevant to the physics of the model. Hence, when we
consider some finite and non-zero length in the case of statistical
mechanics, it will always correspond to a finite number of
consecutive links. In quantum field theory a finite and non-zero length
will always correspond to an infinite number of consecutive links.
This difference regarding the nature of the limits is one of the main
conceptual differences between statistical mechanics and quantum field
In these statistical systems we may define a function, which we will call
the correlation function, that measures the range of the
correlations among the spins at the various sites, as a function of the
distances among them. Assuming that the model is such that the averages
of the variables at the sites are zero,
, while the variables undergo statistical
fluctuations with a certain characteristic magnitude around this value,
we may define this function, relating two sites
, as
It has the property that follows: if, when
has a
positive value of typical magnitude, the probabilities that
be positive or negative are similar, then the average
value of the product tends to go to zero, resulting in a small or zero
; on the other hand, if the fact that
has a positive value of typical magnitude implies that the probability
is aligned with it is significantly larger than the
probability that is has the opposite sign, then the average value tends
to be positive and non-zero, resulting in a non-zero
with a magnitude related to the typical value of the fluctuations of the
variables at the sites. Hence, the fact that this function is either
large or small compared to the typical size of the fluctuations measures
the level of statistical correlation between the variables associated to
the sites
. If
are the same site
, then
is the square of the average magnitude of
the fluctuations of the variables, a positive and non-zero number. Since
we are not interested here in the absolute values of the fluctuations of
these variables but rather in the correlations between two of them, it is
natural to normalize the correlation function so that it is unity at the
origin. In addition to this, in case the variables
do not have
zero averages, we can always calculate this average value
and then describe the model in terms of new variables
, that do have zero averages. With all
these considerations we arrive at the final definition of the statistical
correlation function. Given statistical variables
, we define
the corresponding two-point correlation function as
The function
has the property that
, which
represents the trivial fact that the variable at a certain site is always
completely correlated to itself. In homogeneous systems, that have
discrete translational invariance on the lattice,
is in fact a
function only of the distance
between the sites, measured in terms of
the number of links crossed in order to go from one site to the other.
is never an increasing function of the distance,
usually it decreases or at most remains constant. In the great majority
of systems
displays one of two general classes of behavior: it
can display a decay with distance according to some inverse power of
a situation which we denominate polynomial decay; or it can display an
exponential decay with
, always much faster than any polynomial decay.
In this case, for large distances
, we have that
assumes the
general form
are positive constants and
is a positive
integer or half-integer power. The constant
defines the range of
the correlations, since for
there will be appreciable
correlations, while for
the correlations vanish very
quickly. We call
the correlation length of the statistical
system. As measured here, in terms of number of links and therefore using
as the unit of length the lattice spacing
, this is the correlation
length of interest for statistical mechanics. The statistical systems
that display second-order critical behavior are characterized by the fact
that the correlation length
goes to infinity when we approach the
critical point, which means that
ceases to display an
exponential decay and acquires a polynomial decay at this point. We say
then that the system has acquired long-range order. In these systems the
exponential decay of
is characteristic of the symmetrical or
disordered phases, while the polynomial decay is characteristic of the
broken-symmetrical or ordered phases. In the context of quantum field
theory, on the other hand, a
that is a finite multiple of the
lattice spacing
represents a correlation length that goes to zero in
the continuum limit, because by definition
goes to zero in this
limit. Hence, in the quantum theory only the situation in which
tends to infinity in terms of
are of any interest. It is due to this
that in the quantum theory of fields we are interested only in the
critical points, which are the points where
behaves in this way.
We close with an observation regarding the concept of temperature in the
context of quantum field theory. Observe that the statistical-mechanic
quantity that really corresponds to the action of quantum field
theory is the product
. In many important models such as, for
example, the gauge theories, it is possible to change variables in the
action so that it ends up multiplied by a parameter such as this
In these models we tend to refer to this parameter as the inverse of a
temperature, since the analogy with the temperature of statistical
mechanics is very useful to guide our intuition regarding the statistical
inner workings of the model. However, it is necessary to emphasize that
this parameter is in no way related to the thermodynamical temperature of
the physical system described by the model defined by
. Usually the
parameter is related to what we call the non-renormalized or bare
coupling constant of the theory, and not to the true physical
temperature. Of course there is a concept of thermodynamical temperature
that can be defined as part of our models of quantum field theory, but it
is not related to this parameter and it is important to keep in mind a
clear distinction between the two concepts, since one involves the real
thermodynamical temperature and the other is only a very useful
mathematical analogy.