In this section we will define the mathematical object which we will denominate quantum field theory and enumerate some of its most important properties in a purely descriptive way. We will also mention a few points of fundamental importance for the physical interpretation of the theory. We will not make in this section any effort to justify these points of physical interpretation or to derive the properties of the theory from its definition. Essentially, all the rest of this book will be dedicated to such activities, and in future volumes we intend to explore other specific models and examples that may serve as illustration, with the objective of clarifying progressively the structure of the theory. With regard to this section, we will consider its objectives achieved if it becomes clear along it that a complete definition exists and that this definition is constructive, being given very explicitly by means of an algorithm, which specifies rules of procedures that, at least in principle, allow us to answer any questions formulated within the structure of the theory.
For the definition of the quantum theory of fields, we start from the
same discrete mathematical structure in which we obtained the classical
theory. Once again we will use the action to illustrate the
definition. Is a way similar to that used to define the classical theory,
we will first define a finite quantum theory on each finite lattice, and
only after that consider the limit
. As we shall see,
a very important point is that, unlike the case of the classical theory,
in this case it will not be necessary to introduce a dimensional
scale, external to the model, when we take the continuum limit. We will
define the quantum theory on each finite lattice of size
as a finite
statistical model on that lattice. The quantities of more immediate
physical interest, the observables of the theory, will be defined
as statistical averages of functionals of the field within this
statistical model. The statistical model establishes that all the
possible configurations of the fields contribute to the statistical
averages, with relative probabilities defined by the action functional of
the model. These configurations of the fields are simply all possible
field-functions that we can define on the lattice, which can be described
either directly in position space or by means of their Fourier components
in momentum space. The relative statistical weights are given by a
Boltzmann factor involving the action functional. For example, in the
case of the free scalar field we have for these factors
The set of field configurations with these associated probabilities is
referred to as the ensemble of configurations or as the distribution of configurations of the model. The definition would be the
same for any other model, with any number and types of fields, defined by
some action functional . Given a certain functional
of the field, the expectation value of the observable
associated to it on a lattice of size
is defined as the average
where the integration element is
and the integral extends over all possible values of the field, on all
the sites. In our case here, the value of the field at each site ranges
over the whole real line. This is a ratio of two multiple integrals of
large but finite dimension, being therefore a well-defined and familiar
mathematical object. The conditions imposed before on the action and the
fact that it appears as the argument of a decreasing exponential imply
that, for all reasonably well-behaved functionals , we do not
need to worry about the convergence of such integrals on finite
lattices. We see now that the conditions imposed on
so that
it may be used in the role of an action functional have the objective of
making sure that these integral exist for a large set of observables,
including those of physical interest for the theory of fields. From now
on we will simplify a little the notation of these integrals, denoting
simply by
. In more
general cases, in which the field may have several components, this
notation will refer to the integration over all independent field
components at all the sites. For example, if we have a field
with several components
, the complete
definition would be
Usually we will also omit the extremes of integration, since it is always understood that the integrals extend over the full image of the field functions. The structure including the functional integration element and the distribution of statistical weights, in which the observable is integrated in order to produce the expectation value,
defines a kind of measure over the space of configurations and is
usually referred to as the measure of the model defined by the action
, or as the measure of
. As we will see later, this
statistical structure, be it described as an ensemble, as a distribution
or as a measure, constitutes in fact a representation of the vacuum
state of the model in the context of the quantum theory.
Trivial examples of this kind of integration include the observation that
the denominator of our definition in
equation (3.1.1) guarantees that, if
, then
for all values of , which establishes the normalization of the
expectation values. We also have, in the free theory defined by
that if
for a certain given site
, then
also for all values of , as can be easily verified
(problem 3.1.1). Another example, and a far less
trivial one, which is of great interest, would be the expectation value
for the choice
, which we will
calculate in detail later on. The observables of greater interest to us
will be those defined as the product of a finite number of values of the
field at different sites,
The expectation values of these observables will be refereed to as the
-point functions or as the correlation functions, which we
shall denote by
Their values define completely most of the physical characteristics of
the models defined by each action functional. In the most general case we
will be interested in functionals
that will be
finite-order polynomials on the fields. One of the examples that we gave
, is the one-point function and its
expectation value
is the expectation value of the
field, which will have an important role to play in a future volume, when
we discuss the phenomenon of spontaneous symmetry breaking.
The two-point function
which we will also call the propagator of the theory, has a
particularly important role to play. It is the simplest observable that
gives us relations between different sites of the lattice, which may be
arbitrarily distant from one another. Hence, it is the simplest
observable by means of which we may look at propagation phenomena
along the lattice. As we shall see later on in specific examples, in
general this function decreases when we increase the distance between the
two sites involved, measured in discrete terms, that is, in terms of the
minimum number of links that it is necessary to cross in order to go from
one site to the other. We say that the two-point function measures the
correlations between the values of the field associated to the two
sites, and that these correlations decay with the distance along
the lattice.
This decaying behavior of the two-point function may be, in general, of one of two different types, polynomial or exponential. If the decay is polynomial we say that there are in the model correlations with an infinite range, and that it does not establish a scale of distances. However, if the decay is exponential, then the rate of decay of the two-point function does establish a scale of distances that is intrinsic to the model. In this case the sites which are the immediate neighbors of a given site are significantly correlated to it but, since the value of the function decays very fast for large distances, beyond a certain distance the sites become completely uncorrelated with the given site. Hence, this two-point correlation function establishes an intrinsic scale in the theory, given by the discrete distance within which the values of the fields at two different sites are appreciably correlated.
On a finite periodical lattice one can easily see this, because in this
case the finite volume of the box causes the polynomial-decay cases not
to decay at all over the finite extent of the lattice. For example,
figure 3.1.1 shows two propagators of the free
theory defined by in dimension
on a lattice with
one with infinite-range correlations, for which the correlations do not
decay at all, and another one with finite-range correlations that clearly
establishes a region of strong correlations of a given site with other
sites which are close to it in terms of number of links. In these graphs
the correlation functions have been normalized so as to be equal to one
at the origin. The graphs were obtained calculating the correlation
function in the case
to illustrate the exponential decay,
and in the case
to illustrate the polynomial decay
because, due to the existence of a zero mode on the torus, we cannot use
the value zero for
. Later on we will discuss how to make
such calculations.
One can show that in the quantum theory of fields defined by
is formally identical to the quantum mechanics of the harmonic
oscillator (problem 3.1.2). However, the situation
with the correlations in larger dimensions is similar to this one. A
similar example with
can be found in
figure 3.1.2, for the same value of
, where
the same values of the parameter
, and hence of the range of
the correlations, were used. The difference between the two correlation
functions is a bit more pronounced in this case, and it becomes even
bigger in larger dimensions. In the graphs contained in
figures 3.1.3
and 3.1.4 one can see similar examples for
. Note the clear similarity of these graphs with the
graphs of the Green functions of the classical theory, which were
examined in section 2.10. In fact, as we shall see later on, in
the free theory the two-point correlation function is always equal to the
Green function of the classical theory, in any dimension.
We will refer to this distance, within which the correlations are
appreciable, as the range of the correlations or as the correlation length. If the decay of the two-point function is polynomial
and not exponential, we say that the correlations have an infinite range
or that the model has long-range correlations. In this case no length
scale intrinsic to the theory is established. This is only the case, of
course, if the correlations are long-range for all the different
fields that are part of a given model. It suffices that one of the
fields display an exponential decay of its two-point correlations for an
intrinsic length scale to be defined in the model. Usually we will always
have at least one field with finite-range correlations, thus providing
the model with an intrinsic scale. Observe that in this case we may use
the correlation length of this field as the physical unit of length,
measuring in terms of it, for example, the size of the lattice and
the lattice spacing
. In this way we can define a system of physical
units that is intrinsic to the model and not external to it.
As we will discuss in more detail later, most of the physical content of
the theory will be encoded into the nature of the fields included in the
models and in the nature and behavior of the set of -point correlation
functions among these fields. They will determine whether or not we have
particles that in fact propagate dynamically, whether or not these
particles have non-zero masses, whether or not these particles interact
with each other in scattering processes, whether or not there are bound
states and what are their properties, in short, all the elements needed
to determine both the nature of the structure of matter and the nature of
the physical interactions among the elementary entities of which it is
composed. Another correlation function of particular importance, besides
the propagator, is the four-point function, because it will be related to
the existence or not of interactions among particles within the
theory. For the time being we cannot give examples of this, because the
free theory we are using as an example, exactly because it is a theory of
free fields, does not contain interactions between particles. This means
that we may calculate the four-point function in this model, but it will
decompose into sums of products of pairs of two-point functions. Later on
we will present a complete analysis of the structure of the correlation
functions in the free theory.
Having defined the quantum theory of our model on each finite lattice, we
are now in a position to define completely the quantum field theory
associated to this action, in the continuum limit. Since it is the
-point functions that define the physics of the model, it would
suffice to define them in this limit, but we can do this in a somewhat
more general form, for an arbitrary observable. We say then that the
values of all observables of the quantum field theory in the continuum
limit are the values obtained by means of the limits
To solve exactly a quantum field theory means to manage to calculate
exactly these limits for all observables of physical interest. The
quantum theory of the model in question will be well-defined if these
limits exist and are finite. Note that it is not necessary that the
limits be finite for all possible observables, but only for that set, say
the -point functions, that define completely the physics of the model.
In addition to this, we will see later on that, in order for these limits
to exist and have acceptable physical properties, in general it is
necessary to impose additional conditions on the dimensionless parameters
that appear in the model, regarding their behavior in the limit.
One of the especially important conditions to satisfy in the continuum
limit is that the correlation length of the model have a non-zero
limit, because otherwise we would have no correlations at all left in the
theory after the limit, which would thus become physically meaningless. A
zero correlation length in the limit corresponds to the existence of
particles with infinite physical mass , a case in which there is no
possibility of propagation in the theory, since the movement of such
particles would require infinite energy. Usually we will impose that at
least one of the correlation lengths of the model have a finite and
non-zero limit, since it should define in the limit the physical scale
associated to the intrinsic system of physical units on the theory. All
other correlation lengths must be non-zero (but possibly infinite) in the
limit. In order to put it in a more precise way, if
is the
dimensionless correlation length and
the corresponding
dimensionfull correlation length, in general we will impose that, in the
limit, the ratio
have a finite and non-zero limit, or at least
that the ratio
go to zero in the limit, characterizing it as a
continuum limit.
Since defines the unit of length, it makes no sense to impose any
conditions on its value, but only on ratios between it and other lengths.
The condition with the most direct physical meaning would be that, if
there is more than one parameter with dimensions of mass in a particular
model, then the ratios between these should have finite and non-zero
limits. In this way it would also be simpler to conceive limits in which
the product of
by any of these parameters would go to infinity,
corresponding to models defined in infinite, limitless space. In the
simpler models, with only a single massive field, we have only the mass
of the field and the size of the lattice to consider, of course, but
conceptually the situation does not change. In
figure 3.1.5 we show a sequence of superimposed
lattices, with decreasing lattice spacings, together with a correlation
length which is kept constant, hoping that this illustration will help
the reader to visualize what should happen with the relation between the
lattice spacing and the correlation length in the continuum limit.
The calculation of these continuum limits, which are always constrained
by one or more conditions over the existing parameters, consists of two
steps: first the calculation of the integrals on finite lattices of
arbitrary size, and then the calculation of the limits for
under the required constraints. Although these are
clearly defined mathematical operations, we will see that usually neither
of them is easy to realize. As we shall see, we are able neither to
calculate the integrals in exact form nor to take the limits in exact
form except in the simplest model, the free theory, which we use here as
an example. As we shall show in detail, the theory of the free scalar
field can be solved exactly by the use of Fourier transforms. While the
calculation of these high-dimensional integrals is simply a task of great
complexity, which very quickly goes beyond our analytical possibilities,
the calculation of the continuum limits is a mathematical operation full
of subtleties and surprises.
It is important to observe here that not all elements that appear in the
mathematical structure of the theory correspond to observables. In fact,
the definition of physical observable as statistical averages given here
should be understood as a provisional definition. While all physical
observables must be statistical averages of functionals of the fields as
defined here, not all the possible statistical averages of functionals of
the fields will be interpretable as physical observables. For example,
although statistical averages of functionals of the field,
, may be observables according to our provisional
definition, the field
itself is not an observable. The
field is a random variable whose fluctuations constitute a representation
within the theory of the uncertainty principle or, to put it in a more
general form, of the observability limits of nature.
These fluctuations behave exactly like thermal fluctuations in statistical mechanics, but their physical interpretation is completely different. The real quantum fluctuations of the theory are those that can be observed on the expectation values of superpositions of the fields within finite boxes with non-zero extension in all dimensions of space-time, measured in successive times. These block variables are very important for the physical interpretation of the theory, as we shall see in the next chapter. They are related to additional restrictions on the nature of the quantities that can be associated to observables of the theory. As we shall see later on, only variables associated to superpositions within these blocks can in fact be observed. Note that the Fourier transforms may be understood as a kind of weighted average over the whole lattice, hence characterizing them as a certain type of block variable. Therefore, the Fourier components of the fields are related in a more direct way with the physical observables of the theory.
The content of the remaining part of this book may be classified in a rough way as composed of two main parts. From the mathematical point of view it consists of the discussion and development of methods and means of calculation of these ratios between multiple integrals. From the physical point of view it consists of the development of the physical interpretation of the elements of this mathematical structure. In the remainder of this chapter the mathematical aspects will be addressed, which will enable us to review the interpretation of the structure on the next chapter. In future volumes we intend to consider the extension of these ideas to other types of fields and will examine other quantum-field-theoretical models.
show that it is formally identical to the Euclidean action of the
one-dimensional harmonic oscillator of mass and elastic constant
described by a coordinate
mapping the variables and parameters of one model on those of the other. Show from this fact that the quantum theory of the free scalar field is formally identical to the quantum mechanics of the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator, that is, that one can map all the observables of one of these theories onto the observables of the other.
does not exist even on finite lattices, where it is just a finite-dimensional integral.