In this section we will introduce a new fundamental element, still in the
context of the classical theory. This is the concept of an external
source for the field. This new object will have great importance also in
the quantum theory. In our paradigmatic model, the theory of the free
scalar field, the introduction of a dimensionless external source is
implemented by the addition of a new term to the action, which becomes
The external source is a given function of the sites, over which we make no restrictions except that it have finite values on finite lattices. Our objective here is to determine how the introduction of this new term affects the classical solutions of the theory.
First of all, it is necessary to note that the introduction of this term,
which is not necessarily positive, changes the local minima of the action
without, however, causing it to become unbounded from below. It is easy
to see that the action still has a global lower bound in the case in
which is a constant over the whole lattice and we adopt periodical
boundary conditions, because in this case we have discrete translation
invariance in the model. Under these conditions one can show
(problem 2.10.1) that the minimum of the action
must be achieved for a constant field. In this case the derivatives of
the field, which can only contribute positively for
, are zero and
the corresponding term of
assumes its minimum. So long as
is positive, the second-degree polynomial that remains in
the actions certainly has a lower bound, which is located at
. Note that, due to the adoption of periodical
boundary conditions, it is essential that
be strictly
positive, for in the case
there is no lower bound for
. In this case we may make
taking a
over the whole lattice and making its value go to
, depending on the sign of
. This is just
another consequence of the fact that the
model has a zero
mode on the torus.
Even for an arbitrary function , so long as it is finite, it is
still true that there is a global minimum of the action, although in this
case it is not so immediate to find it. This is due to the fact that, in
order to make infinitely negative the only term of the action that
can be negative, it is necessary to make
tend to
one or more points. However, in this case the quadratic terms at each
site will always tend to
faster than the corresponding linear
terms can tend to
. Due to this it is not possible to make
tend to
by any changes of the fields, but only to
, which implies that
has a lower bound. It is, however,
possible to show rigorously that the action has a lower bound so long as
, rewriting it in momentum space and completing a square
(problem 2.10.2).
We can find the classical solution in the presence of the external source
using the principle of minimum action, as we already did before for the
free theory without external source. If we make an infinitesimal
of the fields, possibly different at each
site, the corresponding variation of the action will be given by
were we made the “integration by parts” for periodical boundary
conditions as was already explained before in section 2.1. If we
now impose that
for any
, we
obtain the equation of motion
This is the non-homogeneous version of the equation of motion obtained before for this same model, where the non-homogeneous term is the external source. We can find the general solution of this equation using the usual techniques of the theory of linear differential equations. The general solution of a non-homogeneous linear equation is always obtained as the sum of the general solution of the homogeneous equation with a particular solution of the non-homogeneous equation. However, we are not interested here in writing explicitly the general solution, but rather in finding the solution for the particular type of boundary condition that we adopted. This solution can be obtained by the use of the finite Fourier transforms. In order to do this, we write the field and the external source in terms of their Fourier transforms as
The substitution of these expressions in the equation of motion (2.1.3) result in
Since the exponentials are eigenfunctions of the Laplacian with
eigenvalues given by
, as we saw in
equation (2.7.2), we obtain
Since the exponentials form a complete set of functions, in order for the
linear superposition to be zero it is necessary that all the coefficients
be zero, and from this we conclude that, for all ,
In this way the differential equation reduces to an algebraic equation for the Fourier components of the field. The solution may now be written explicitly both in momentum space and in position space, in this second case by means of a simple inverse transformation,
We see in this way that it is possible to find the exact form of the
classical solutions of the free theory in the presence of arbitrary
external sources. The form of the solutions in momentum space is very
simple, but it is not so easy to visualize the solutions in position
space, because in this case the solutions are written as superpositions
of all the Fourier modes. In order to be able to visualize the solutions
in position space, we will examine a particularly simple case which is,
however, of extreme importance. This is the case of an external source
which is zero at all sites except one. We refer to this external source
as a point source or as a point charge, a reference to its
analogy with the familiar case of electrostatics. We write the point
source of magnitude located at the site
in the form
where a Kronecker delta function appears. The finite Fourier transform of this point source is given by
The solution of the classical theory in momentum space may now be written as
and the solution in position space reduces to
We may simplify a little these expressions by choosing the position
for the point source, which can always be done by
means of an adequate choice of the intervals of variation of the integer
coordinates of the sites. These solutions represent the response of the
system to the presence of a point source. The function of the momenta
that appears in these solutions,
is called the propagator or the Green function of the system, written in momentum space. Its finite inverse Fourier transform, which can be written as
is the Green function in position space, the response of the theory to
the presence of a unit point source, with . Observe that this is
a kind of double inverse transform, where the two factors
appear, since in general the function
is a function of two points,
. The fact that
is a function only of the
is a specific property of the periodical
boundary conditions, for which we have discrete translation invariance on
the lattice. These lattice versions of the Green functions are both
dimensionless. Our solutions for the point charge may now be written as
which, for
, simplify to
In addition to this, the solution for an arbitrary external source in momentum space may now be written as
and the corresponding solution in position space, with a little more work (problem 2.10.3) and the use of the orthogonality and completeness relations, as
Let us consider quickly the continuum limit of this expression. It is easy to verify (problem 2.10.4) that, in order for the complete action in the continuum limit to be written as
it is necessary that the dimensionfull version of be defined as
. On the other hand, we may define the dimensionfull
version of
and, since with our normalization the
functions and their Fourier transforms have the same dimensions,
. With these definitions we have that
so that, in the continuum limit, the expression for the Green function is
where, as we already saw in section 2.7,
, with
. In this way one can verify
(problem 2.10.5) that our expression for the
solution in the presence of an arbitrary external source in terms of the
Green function becomes, in the continuum limit,
We see therefore that is in fact the Green function of the
non-homogeneous equation of motion in the usual sense in which the term
is used in the theory of linear differential equations. Note that, due to
the existence of a zero mode on the torus, for which
, this
Green function is well defined only if
We may acquire an intuitive idea of how the response of the system to the
presence of a point source looks, in position space, drawing a few graphs
of this function around the point where the external point source is
located. Figure 2.10.1 shows the function for
, mass parameter
and external source
on a lattice with
. We see here that the field assumes
non-zero values along all the lattice, with a maximum at the position of
the source. This is the solution which we denominate qualitatively as the
“circus tent”, given its form. The same happens in larger dimensions. A
similar example for
can be found in
figure 2.10.2, for the same values of
. In this case the functions falls off in a somewhat more
pronounced way when we go away form the position of the point source.
This is due to the larger number of neighbor sites that are connected by
links to the site there the point source is located. This effect becomes
more even pronounced in larger dimensions. In the graphs contained in
figures 2.10.3 and 2.10.4 one can
see similar examples for
, still with the same values of
Note that the response of the system to an external point source is
progressively more localized in the immediacy of the position of the
source, as the dimension of space-time increases. For in the
continuum limit in infinite space, with appropriate boundary conditions
, which is possible in this case due to the different
boundary conditions, the solution becomes the Coulomb solution, the
electrostatic potential of a point charge. In all cases the maximum value
of the solution is proportional to
and, in the limit in which
goes to zero, the solution becomes identically zero, which is the
solution that we discussed before for the theory without external
sources. We see that the response of the system consists of a deformation
of the field centered at the position of the charge, with an intensity
proportional to its magnitude and, in general, a finite range. This range
depends on
, as one can verify by drawing other graphs of the
functions (problem 2.10.6), a fact that will be
of great importance in the quantum theory.