We may introduce external sources in systems with fixed boundary conditions, in the same way as we did for periodical boundary conditions. The form of the action of the free theory in this case is the same as before, as well as the form of the equation of motion,
The difference is that, in order to solve the equation in this case, we
should use the basis of eigenfunctions
is appropriate to this type of boundary conditions,
which satisfy the orthogonality and completeness relations
The functions
may be written in terms
of their transforms as
Substituting these expressions in (2.11.1) we have
Since the functions
are eigenvectors of the
Laplacian with eigenvalues
, we have
We see therefore that, once more, the differential equation reduces to an algebraic equation for the components of the field in momentum space, in fact, the very same equation we had before,
the sole difference being that both the transforms and the eigenvalues
relate now to the eigenfunctions of the Laplacian with
fixed boundary condition. We have now solutions that are similar to the
ones we had before,
For the case of the point source we have for the external source and its transform
which implies that the solutions of the classical theory may be written as
and the quantity that we will call the propagator or the Green function, in momentum space, is given by
while the Green function in position space is, as in the periodical case,
defined as a double inverse transform of this function, involving the
points e
Just as in the periodical case, this function represents the response of
the system to the presence of a unit external source, with .
Note that in this case
is not a function only of the difference
but rather of
because with fixed boundary conditions there is no discrete translation
invariance on the lattice. We may also, just as in the periodical case,
write the general solution for
in terms of the Green
The expression for the Green function in position space may be somewhat
simplified if we choose the position of the source right in the middle of
the lattice, so that , which can be done without difficulty
for the case of odd
. In figures from 2.11.1
to 2.11.4 we show the Green function on a lattice with
and this value of
, in dimensions from
. As one can
see, the behavior is similar to that of the case of periodical boundary
conditions, with the exception that in our case here the functions are
always zero at the boundary.
Using the usual rescalings of all quantities in terms of the lattice
spacing , we may write dimensionfull versions of all these
quantities. As before, we define the dimensionfull version
momentum space as
, resulting in
so that in the continuum limit we obtain once more
where in this case we have
Note that in this case, just as in the case of periodical boundary conditions, the Green function in momentum space always has the same form when written in terms of the eigenvalues of the Laplacian, be it on finite lattices, in the continuum inside a finite box or in infinite space. What changes is the number and character of these eigenvalues, of which there is a finite number on finite lattices, a discrete infinity in the continuum inside a finite box, and an uncountable, continuous infinity in infinite space. On the other hand, the Green functions in position space change significantly when one passes from one case to the other. Hence, we see that the transformation by the eigenfunctions of the Laplacian effectively filters out the detailed effect of the boundary conditions and of the finite volume of the box over the physically relevant results of the theory, and that these effects remain manifested in momentum space only by the existence of an infrared cutoff in finite boxes, which is removed when we go to infinite space. This fact will be of particular importance for the correlation functions to be defined in the quantum theory, of which the Green function discussed here is an example.
Clearly, despite the fact that the imposition of the condition
at the border changes the detailed form of the results of the
theory in position space, both on finite lattices and in the continuum
limit inside a finite box, it does not prevent us from seeing the basic
structure of the continuum theory in infinite space, so long as we use
the representation of the theory in momentum space, when we deal with the
theory on finite lattices. In addition to this, the fact that the Green
function is a function of the coordinates
only through the
is clearly related to the underlying
rotational invariance of the Euclidean theory in infinite space which, in
this form, may be indirectly detected from within a finite continuous box
or even from within the confines of a discrete lattice. These two
properties allow us to treat models in a very specific and practical way,
in any particular set of boxes and lattices that we may be using, without
loosing sight of the invariances that the theory should have when one
goes to infinite continuous space.