In this section we will discuss one of the most basic properties of quantum field theory, which characterizes its inner workings in a very fundamental way. This is the fact that the field configurations in configuration space that contribute in a dominant way to the expectation values of the observables of the theory are discontinuous, in the continuum limit, as functions of the coordinates that span space-time. This property will have important consequences relating to many aspects of the inner workings of the theory, as we will discuss later, mostly in subsequent volumes of these notes.
Let us cite a few examples, so that the reader can judge the importance of the topic: the discontinuity of the field configurations is the basic phenomenon responsible for the appearance of divergent quantities in the perturbative approach to the theory; it causes different finite-differencing schemes on the lattice, which are equivalent in the classical theory, not to be so in the quantum theory; it changes in a qualitative way our conception of the role played in the theory by mathematical concepts of a topological nature; it leads us in an emphatic way to the idea that only the block variables to be discussed later can actually be physical observables within the theory; it strongly suggests new quantization procedures on the lattice, which are of a very geometrical nature, for theories that have a curved internal symmetry space, as is the case for the very important non-Abelian gauge theories. Hence, this is a central and unifying concept, related to many of the difficulties that appear in the theory, difficulties that usually cause great confusion, specially among those trying to learn it.
In order to examine this important concept we must start by discussing
what we mean by continuity of the configurations, because we will be
taking the continuum limit from finite lattices, which are discrete
mathematical objects in which there is no natural concept of continuity.
Usually functions
, mappings from
are considered continuous in the direction
of the domain if the
finite difference
approaches zero when
both by positive and by
negative values. However, in quantum field theories defined by means of
Euclidean functional integrals only averages of functionals of the fields
on some particular ensemble can be calculated and used to extract the
physically relevant properties of the theories. It is clear that, since
the fields at sites are random variables that undergo constant
fluctuations including changes of sign, the direct expectation value of
the difference
will be of no
use to determine the character of continuity or discontinuity of the
fields because, even if these differences never vanish, they can change
sign, causing the average to vanish even for discontinuous fields. In
fact, this average can be written as
so that its vanishing would only mean that the expectation value
of the field is independent of position. It is
clear that we need a quantity that vanishes only when the field is
continuous, that is, of an observable that cannot change sign. In this
situation we may use the quantity
, which is a measure of
the average “jump” and hence of the average discontinuity of the fields
in the direction
, in order to define what we mean by continuity
(problem 4.2.1). The fields will be considered
typically continuous if this quantity vanishes when we make
tend to zero. To be more precise, the configurations of
are predominantly continuous at
, in terms of
the measure of the action, if and only if
However, this definition still does now exhaust the issue, because there
is more than one form to take this limit. In the formulation of quantum
field theory on the lattice, has to be some multiple of the
fundamental lattice spacing
. The continuity of the fields may be
examined by first taking the lattice spacing to zero, while
is kept constant in relation to the correlation length of the theory, and
only after that making
tend to zero within the continuous
space that results from the first limit. This might be the more natural
way to take the limit in order to establish a notion of continuity for
fields defined on a lattice, but it is not the most relevant way in the
context of the definition of the theory in terms of functional integrals
on the lattice.
A different notion of continuity appears in this context. The quantum
theory is defined by the functional integral of the exponential of the
action, and it is the behavior of the derivatives that this action
contains which is of far more direct interest to us. When the models are
defined on the lattice, the discrete representation of the action
contains finite differences of the fields at close-neighboring sites.
Therefore, in the continuum limits within this formalism the quantity
is is always kept equal to the lattice spacing
Hence, in this case the limits
are taken simultaneously, unlike what happened in
the other type of limit. In what follows we will stick to this type of
limit, which is the one with greater relevance for the definition of the
quantum theory of fields by means of the lattice. However, one can show
(problem 4.2.2) that the situation does not change
qualitatively when one exchanges one type of limit by the other.
As always, we will use the theory of the free scalar field as an example. In order to have a definite case to examine, we will also adopt periodical boundary conditions, but this does not have any fundamental importance for the results. The calculations we must do are not, in fact, very complex. It suffices to use the result obtained before for the propagator of this model in momentum space, which can be written as
From this result it is simple to show that
tends to a finite
and non-vanishing value when
, that is, when
. Using the Fourier transforms we may write
where we used the fact that the complex exponentials are eigenvectors of
the finite-difference operator, as discussed in section 2.7. We
also used the quantities
defined in
equation (2.7.1). Taking now the expectation value
on an
-lattice we obtain
where we substituted the result for the propagator and used the delta
function to eliminate one of the sums over the momenta. Note that there
is no sum over in this expression. Since both the lattice and this
observable are symmetrical by permutations of the various directions
, we may write this result in terms of
It is not difficult to find upper and lower bounds to the sum that
appears in this expression, which will hold for any value of . In
order to find an upper bound it suffices to take off the positive
that appear in the denominator. It is interesting
to note that, since
in the continuum limit, it
is reasonable to think that this change does not in fact affect the
result in the limit. In order to find a lower bound it suffices to
exchange the
that appears in the denominator by its
maximum value, which is
. With this we obtain the relations
The sum that remains in the case of the lower bound can be calculated
(problem 4.2.3) by the decomposition of the sines in
terms of complex exponentials, followed by the use of the orthogonality
and completeness relations. The result is simply the number , so that
we have the final result for our sum,
In the limit
we have that
and therefore we can write, recalling that there is no sum over
This result shows that, for any finite dimension of space-time, on
average over the ensemble of configurations, the variation of the
field from one site to the next one does not approach zero when the
lattice spacing goes to zero. It follows that, on average, in the
continuum limit, the configurations of the dimensionless field are not
continuous as functions of position. Observe that this is a very violent
type of discontinuity, because we are not talking here of a set of
isolated discontinuities in a continuous functions. The field is
discontinuous in all directions and at all the points where it is
defined. Obtaining an exact result for
requires more
work. One can show (problem 4.2.4) that in the
continuum limit the sum in fact assumes its upper bound, so that we have
Having established this important result, we may now examine some of its
immediate consequences. If we recall that the dimensionfull field
is related to the dimensionless field by
, we
can determine how the derivatives of the dimensionfull fields behave in
the continuum limit. For
small but non-zero we have
The meaning of this relation depends on the dimension . For
have that, in the continuum limit,
while for the derivative
we have
which shows that in this case the dimensionfull field is continuous but
not differentiable. One can show (problem 3.1.2)
without difficulty that the quantum theory of the free scalar field in
one dimension is formally identical to the quantum mechanics of the
harmonic oscillator, by mapping the quantities that appear in one of
these two structures onto corresponding quantities of the other. This
result for reproduces, therefore, the well-known quantum-mechanical
fact that the one-dimensional configurations involved in the functional
integration are in that case random walks, continuous but
non-differentiable paths, as those of a Brownian motion. In this case the
denomination of the functional integral as a path integral is justified,
but this is a characteristic exclusively of the one-dimensional
case. Already for
we have, for both the dimensionless field and
the dimensionfull field, since they are in fact equal in this case,
showing that in this case the discontinuities exist but are finite. In
dimensions and larger the discontinuities of the dimensionfull
field diverge with powers that increase with the dimension,
We see here two very important basic facts: first, that there is a qualitative difference between the behavior of quantum mechanics (the
case ) and the behavior of the quantum theory of fields (the cases
); second, confirming what was already discussed in
section 4.1, the fundamental dimensionfull fields display extreme fluctuations in the continuum limit, which puts immediately in
great doubt any possibility that they may have any direct physical
significance as observables. We will now explore a consequence of these
facts that is directly related to the action. Since the action
is itself a functional of the fields, we may consider the
calculation of its expectation value
. The result may
help us to understand the behavior of the theory from another point of
view. We know that the classical solution of the theory is the one that
minimizes the action, whose minimum in the case of the action
the free scalar field is zero. This is the value that maximizes the
relative statistical weight
of the configuration within the
ensemble. The average value of
will tell us something about the
typical relative weights of the configurations that contribute in a
dominant way to the averages. For the time being, we will limit ourselves
to the calculation of the expectation value of the kinetic part
of the action
of the free theory, the part that involves the
which also appears in any model involving scalar fields. The expectation
value of is given by
where we already know that the expectation value of the square of the
finite difference converges to in the continuum limit. Since this
limit does not depend on the link at which it is being calculated and
there are
links in the lattice, we obtain immediately that
that is, the expectation value of the action diverges as . Note
that the action is dimensionless and that this divergence has nothing to
do with an increase in the volume of the box within which we are defining
the model, the action diverges even if we are within a finite box. This
is a property related to the behavior of the high-frequency modes of the
theory, which we denominate the ultraviolet regime, which has
nothing to do with the infrared aspects connected to the volume of the
We may also examine the behavior of the mass term of the action
, the one that contains the parameter
in a way analogous to the analysis of . This is another term that
will also appear in other models involving scalar fields, usually as part
of a potential involving the fields, which establishes non-linear
relations among them. The expectation value of this part of the action
may be written as
As we saw in section 4.1, the expectation value
has a finite and non-vanishing
limit for
, diverging for
. Besides,
does not depend on position, and it therefore follow that
, we have that for
part of the action also diverges, although in a somewhat slower way than
the kinetic part,
For the divergence becomes logarithmic, due to the fact that in
this case
, while in the case
there is no
divergence, because in this case
diverges with
cancels the factor of
, resulting on a finite action. Once more
we see that the case
is significantly different from the others.
In the cases of greater interest for us,
, both
diverge in the limit, this
second term in a somewhat less violent way than the first. We see
therefore that the dynamics defined by
tends to be dominated by
the term
containing the derivatives.
The most important thing is that we arrive at the inevitable conclusion
that typically diverges and therefore that the statistical
typically go to zero very fast in the continuum
limit. It is necessary to emphasize that this is the minimum
possible value for these weights, very different from the maximum
possible value that it assumes for the classical solution, which shows
that typically the dominant configurations of the quantum theory are very distant from the classical solution, if we use the action as a
measure of this distance. This fact may seem surprising at first sight,
but this surprise is due only to the fact that, when we examine these
relative statistical weights, we are leaving aside another very important
factor, the number of configurations with each value of the weight
that exist in configuration space and that, therefore, contribute to the
averages. Although the discontinuous configurations have, individually,
negligible statistical weights as compared to the weights of continuous
configurations such as the classical solution, their number is immensely larger, so that they end up dominating the situation
completely. It becomes quite clear that the quantum-mechanical concept of
the semi-classical approximation will have to be revised before one
considers its application in quantum field theory. In future volumes we
will also see that divergences like these are intimately connected to the
divergences that appear pervasively in perturbation theory.
We might ask ourselves if this behavior could be just a peculiarity of
the theory of the free scalar field. In future volumes we will see that
it also applies to other free fields such as, for example, the free
vector field of electromagnetism without sources, that is, without
charges and currents. For the case of free electrodynamics this can be
found in reference [1]. In the case of non-linear
models, we do not know how to do a direct analytical verification, being
in this case limited to extrapolations from computer simulations on
finite lattices. We may, however, argue as follows to the effect that
this is a property that must also hold in these models. The non-linear
models in general contain a real parameter , the coupling
constant, which is such that they converge to the free theory when we
go to zero. In fact, it is important for the physical
interpretation of these models that they have the free theory as a smooth
limit for
. The property of discontinuity of the
fields that we examined in this section depends only on the facts that
have non-vanishing finite values in the
limit. It is very reasonable to think, then, that they will still be
finite and non-vanishing for
, although their values might
vary with
, so that the
limits of the
expectation values of these observables may be smooth ones. In fact,
despite the strong fluctuations and discontinuities of the fields,
usually the expectation values are smooth or at least continuous
functions of the parameters of the models.
Hence we see that the main facts described here are, in all probability, general properties of all quantum field theories. As we progress in our exploration of the subject, we will continue to verify and solidify this important notion.
goes to zero when
, by either positive or
negative values, is equivalent to the condition that
in the indicated order, at an arbitrary point and for an
arbitrary direction
, showing that it is finite and not zero. In
order to do this expand the square and use the values of
that were
calculated in section 4.1. In this way one shows that the
fundamental facts associated to the discontinuity of the fields do not
depend on the way in which the limit is defined.
decomposing the sine into complex exponentials and using the orthogonality and completeness relations that hold for them.
that has the property that its limit is equal to in the continuum
limit, hence demonstrating rigorously that
in the continuum limit4.1. Use for the momentum
components the interval of values and the fact that
The idea is to take off the sum classes of terms that end up not
contributing in the limit, in particular the terms with
, in addition to decreasing the sum in other ways that
simplify it, until one obtains a sum that can be calculated in the limit
and that tends to
where is a constant and we integrate over the manifold
a kind of solid angle in configuration space, described by all the
variables except
, which is a kind of radial variable.