Block variables are defined as averages of some type, over the fields contained within finite regions of space-time, which we call blocks. The name comes from the realization of statistical-mechanic models on the lattice, where the regions consist of block of sites, having been introduced by Kadanoff in the study of statistical systems involving spins. In the example we will study here the average at issue will be a simple arithmetic average of the fields within the blocks but, in general, some other type of linear or even non-linear superposition may be involved. The block variables and the corresponding systems of linear superposition that define them play a central role in the definition of quantum field theories, because they determine the types of physical observables that can, in fact, be measured.
If we think about how we would go about measuring the instantaneous value of the field at a certain point in space-time, in the continuum limit, it will immediately become clear that we would not be able to do it at all. In order to do this it would be necessary to use as the instrument of measurement some object that could be completely localized at the point in question, so that we may detect exclusively the field at that point. However, the wave-like nature of all objects existing in nature, added to the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics (or, equivalently, to the simple uncertainty principle of classical wave physics [2]), implies that this object should have vanishing wavelength and, therefore, consist of “quantums” of infinite energy. We are forced to conclude that, as refined and developed as the measurement apparatus may be, it will always end up measuring the field over some region of space-time with finite and non-vanishing dimensions, however small they may be.
Since we are interested in quantum field theory in the continuum limit from the lattice, we will always end up having an infinite number of points within any finite region, when we take the limit. Therefore any measurement instrument will always, in practice, be measuring the field over an infinite number of points, never at a single point. The actual result of the measurement by the apparatus depends not only on the values of the fields at the points involved, but also on the nature of the superposition rule for the fields, generating from the values of the field at all the points a single resulting value to be associated to the region as a whole. This rule is not arbitrary, of course, it is related to the way in which the measurement apparatus interacts with the fields. Note that, so far as we are able to define the structure of the theory with our current knowledge, the measurement apparatus is an object which remains external do the structure. Hence, any model intended to represent all possible physical measurements based on fields distributed over a continuous space-time should not only discriminate the number and type of fields involved and define a dynamics for them, but should also discriminate a superposition process to be used for each type of field.
In this way we see that, at the stage of development in which the theory
is being built here, the discrimination of the superposition process is
an integral part of the definition of a quantum field theory, in
addition to the discrimination of the fields involved and the definition
of their dynamics, by means of an action functional . It is possible
that this will cease to be so in a more complete future theory, in which
the notion of the physical measurement is included in the structure of
the theory from the start, but for the time being we must be content with
this state of affairs.
The introduction of block variables in a given model may be understood as
a kind of change of variables in the model. However, such a change from
point variables to block variables is not invertible, because it involves
loss of information about the behavior of the point variables above a
certain energy. One should not, however, get the impression that there
will be a smaller number of block variables than of the original point
variables, that they will always be a finite or even a discrete set. This
is due to the fact that it is not necessary to separate space-time into
disjoint and exclusive blocks; quite to the contrary, the blocks may very
well overlap each other. In fact, we may associate to each single point
of space-time a corresponding block variable which is the result
of the superposition of the fields
inside a region of volume
centered at that point. In this way we produce a block field
defined over all of space-time, just like the
fundamental field
. These new fields are sometimes
denominated block-renormalized fields for blocks of volume
Note that this is a specific definition using the term “renormalized”,
which is used in many different ways, not necessarily clear or even
consistent, in the usual formalism.
Given a certain energy limit, we may define the corresponding
block-renormalized field, by means of a judicious choice of the volume
of the blocks, and then discuss the theory in terms of these
block variables, for all phenomena in the theory which are below that
energy limit. In fact, one seldom does this, because usually the theory
acquires a much more complex form when written in terms of these block
variables, but in principle we may discuss the
-point correlation
functions for these variables, in a way similar to the discussion of the
correlation functions of the fundamental field,
We will examine here in detail only the case of the two-point function in the free theory, that is, the block propagator. This will be useful to develop our understanding of the roles played by the dimensionfull and dimensionless versions of the fields, as well as to illustrate the reasons due to which we use, most of the time, the point variables rather than the block variables for the development of the theory, although the two-point function of these variables in position space has a singular behavior at the origin, in the continuum limit.
Let us consider then the calculation of the two-point function for block variables. Our objective here will be to verify how the block variables are correlated for short and long distances, relative to the size of the blocks. We will do the calculation both in position space and in momentum space, and in this second case we will be particularly interested in verifying whether or not the block propagator has a pole at the position of the renormalized mass, as is the case for the usual renormalized propagator that appears in perturbation theory. Observe that the usual renormalized propagator, written in terms of the fundamental field, is not the same as the block-renormalized propagator. The fact that both are referred to as “renormalized propagators” is just an example of the use of the term “renormalized” for multiple different ends. As we shall see, these two propagators have similar behavior for large distances and small momenta, but their behavior for short distances and large momenta is very different.
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The calculations related to the block propagator will be done in the
spirit of the Newtonian gravitation problem in which one calculates the
gravitational potential of a spherical homogeneous body of radius .
In fact, the Newtonian gravitational potential of a point mass is just
the Green function of the three-dimensional Laplacian, that is, the Green
function of the free theory with
in three dimensions. The
geometrical situation is described in
figure 4.3.1. Solving this elementary problem
of classical mechanics one verifies that, outside the sphere, what is
seen is exactly the potential of a point particle located at the origin,
with mass equal to the total mass of the body. However, inside the sphere
the situation is very different, instead of the singularity of the Green
function at the origin, we have a finite and smooth potential over all
the interior of the sphere. In figure 4.3.2 a
comparison of the two potentials can be found. At distances that are
large compared to the radius
of the sphere we have the simple
potential of a point mass, while a distances that are small compared to
the radius we have a finite field, smoothed out by a mechanism we may
call the “smearing” of the point source. This situation is similar to
the one we will find for our block variables, with the size of the block
playing the role of the volume of the spherical body.
Consider then the free scalar field in a cubical -dimensional lattice
sites and periodical boundary conditions. Consider also in
this lattice cubical blocks of sites, each with
sites and
sites along each direction, for some number
such that
. The geometrical situation is illustrated in
figure 4.3.3. For simplicity of notation, in
this section the vectors
will be represented by
, while an upper bar will denote average over a block. The
block variables are defined by arithmetical averages over the blocks. In
terms of the dimensionless fields, for a block
centered at the
, we have
where the position
of the block is given by
Note that, unlike ,
does not necessarily have integer
components, depending on how the blocks are chosen. If we so wish, we may
simplify this situation choosing the blocks in a more symmetrical way,
with odd
and center at a site of the original lattice, but this
is not actually important or necessary. The dimensionless block
propagator in position space is given by
relating two blocks, a block at
and another block
. We may write this propagator in terms of the
fundamental field as
We may now write the Green function
in terms of the
Fourier modes of the lattice as usual,
where it becomes explicit that
is a function only of
. For the free theory we know that
so that we obtain for the block propagator
If we now define coordinates
internal to the
blocks, which give the position of the sites with respect, respectively,
, then we have for the sites the relations
from which it follows that
so that we may write for the block propagator
We now see that the block propagator depends only on
. The two sums in parenthesis are now internal sums
within each block, they do not depend on the position of the blocks, but
only on the momenta. Since the blocks are all equal by hypothesis, these
two parenthesis are the complex conjugates of each other. They are in
fact a form factor
, in terms of which we may
where the form factor is defined within an arbitrary block as
From the expression above for we may read immediately its Fourier
which is, therefore, the block propagator in momentum space. Note that,
unlike what happens in position space, in momentum space no change is
needed in the coordinates .
We have, then, the block propagator dully calculated, in terms of
, both in momentum space and in position space. In order to
examine the properties of this propagator, we must first examine the
properties of the form factor
. Observe, in the first place,
that since
is an average of complex phases it is always
true that
, from which it follows that, in
momentum space, the block propagator is always smaller than or equal to
the propagator of the fundamental field. Observe also that, for simple
cubical blocks like the ones we are using here,
so that it is enough to calculate
in order to
find out how the form factor behaves. Given the system of internal
coordinates that we adopted for the blocks, we may write explicitly
where spans
consecutive values, being half-integer if
is even and integer if
is odd, as is the case for a
symmetrical choice of the blocks around the sites. We may execute the sum
using the formula for the sum of a geometrical progression,
This is true if , and if
we have immediately that
. Finally observe that, for any mode
of the lattice
which coincides with an internal mode of the block,
because the sum that defines it coincides in this case with the sum that
appears in the orthogonality and completeness relations of the block
itself. We may see from the expression above that this will be true for
such that
is an integer for at
least one value of
. In other words,
tends to suppress the
modes of the lattice whose wavelengths fit an integer number of times
within the block, getting, so to say, in resonance with it. If the
wavelength does not fit exactly an integer number of times within the
block, the mode will be partially suppressed, only a little if the number
of times it fits inside is small, more if that number is large. In short,
one perceives that
tends to suppress preferentially the
high-frequency modes in the momentum space of the lattice. In position
space this suppression has the effect of eliminating the singularity of
the propagator at the origin, corresponding to a smearing of the fields
by the blocking process. Figure 4.3.4 shows
the fundamental propagator and the block propagator, on a logarithmic
scale, along one of the directions in momentum space. The normalizations
of the two propagators are arbitrary but consistent with each other. The
graph is the same for any dimension
. One can clearly see the strong
suppression of the block propagator for large momenta, as well as its
oscillations due to resonances with the internal modes of the blocks.
We would like to discuss the results for and
in two
different limits, for
and for
. The first case turns
out to be much simpler and we may discuss it directly from
equation (4.3.1). If
then it follows
and we may neglect
in that equation, which makes
equation (4.3.2) and therefore results in
which is exactly the expression of the propagator of the fundamental
dimensionless field in momentum space. We see therefore that for the
correlations at large distances, much larger than the size of the blocks,
the propagators of the fundamental field and of the blocks do in fact
coincide, displaying the same long-range behavior. Examining their
expressions in momentum space we see that the two propagators have the
same simple pole at the position , characterizing this
long-range behavior. In fact, since for
we have that
, we can see that the two propagators have the same
behavior for small values of the momentum.
As we saw in section 4.1, the dimensionless propagator of the fundamental field goes to zero away from the origin, hence the same will happen with the dimensionless version of the block propagator. It follows that it is more convenient to use the dimensionfull version of the block propagator which, starting from equation (4.3.3), is given by
As we also saw in section 4.1, the dimensionfull propagator of
the fundamental field diverges at the origin. We should now verify how
this block propagator behaves at the origin. Its value
at the origin is related to the
average value of the fluctuations of the block variables, because since
and the block field is a simple arithmetical
average of the fundamental field over the block, it follows that we also
. The block propagator at the origin is given
is the local block width. In the graphs contained
in the figures from 4.3.5
to 4.3.9 we present the corresponding
dimensionless quantity
, which is proportional to
in finite boxes, with values from
for the
between the sizes of the lattice and the blocks, for a mass
, in dimensions from
, for
sequences of lattices of increasing sizes.
We see that, in all cases,
converges to a finite value for
each value of
, there being therefore no divergence at the origin.
These values increase with
, meaning that, the smaller the blocks, the
larger the fluctuations of the block variables. Note that for
the curves seem to tend to eventually accumulate near some finite
value as
increases. For
we see that the width
seems to increase linearly with
, while for
it seems
to increase faster than linearly with
. These facts are related to the
fact that, at first sight,
seems to go to zero for
when we make the size
of the box tend to infinity, due to the factors
that appear in its definition. Of course, in this case keeping the
blocks at a constant size corresponds to making
increase linearly
, so that the size
of the blocks remains finite. One
can verify (problem 4.3.1) that this increase of
exactly compensates the factor
appears in the expression for
, resulting therefore in a
finite and non-vanishing block propagator also in the case of the theory
in infinite space, that is, in the limit
We see therefore that the dimensionfull block propagator in position
space is a finite and non-vanishing function at all points. We may
therefore define for the block variables a correlation function like the
one we discussed in section 3.2, normalized to be equal to
at the origin, which, unlike the corresponding function in the case of
the fundamental field, will not be a singular function,
The graphs contained in figures from 4.3.10
to 4.3.13 show the homogeneous correlation
calculated along one direction of the lattice, for
, with
and different values of
in each case. We also put in these
graphs parts of the corresponding dimensionfull propagators of the
fundamental field in position space, which are divergent at the origin
, calculated for the same values of the parameters
, and normalized consistently with
, so as to
permit the comparison of the results.
We see that, in general, the block propagator is smaller than the
fundamental propagator, particularly near the origin, although this
relation can be reversed in a slight way for larger values or ,
specially for low dimensions, in which the infrared effects are more
important. We see also that in the continuum limit
tends to
a finite, continuous and differentiable function, at all points. One
might be led to ask how can this happen, how is it possible that there
are variables correlated in a finite and non-vanishing way in the
continuum limit of a theory in which the fundamental variables become
completely uncorrelated in the same limit. We may see that the mechanism
which causes this behavior is in fact very simple, if we examine what
happens during the process of taking the limit. The fundamental
field becomes completely uncorrelated in the limit, but while we are
taking the limit there is a very large and ever increasing number of
values of the fundamental field which are superposed within each block,
with the consequence that a very large number of correlations between the
fields inside one of the blocks and the fields inside the other block
also superpose. During the limit the increase in the correlation function
of the superposition, due to the increase in the number of superposed
values, exactly compensates the decrease in the correlation function
between each pair of fundamental field values, one in each block. The
result is a finite and non-vanishing correlation function between the
blocks, despite the complete lack of correlation of the fundamental field
in the continuum limit.
It becomes clear, then, how to go about the physical interpretation of the theory. Usually we deal with it in terms of the fundamental field because it is simpler to act in this way, but the physical interpretation must be always in terms of block variables. For distances which are large compared to the size of the blocks, the propagator of the fundamental field coincides with the block propagator and we may use it directly to extract the physical results from the theory. We may say that the fundamental field encodes the information about how the models behave in all energy scales, from zero to infinity, but that in order to measure physical quantities it is necessary to define beforehand what is the proper energy scale of the physical situation one is dealing with, and then to choose block variables of appropriate size.
Note that the block variables do not necessarily have to be associated to cubical blocks centered at each point. Of course it is not essential that the blocks have any given form, they may be cubical, spherical, or of any other form adequate to each situation. Going even beyond that, the block variables may even be objects of a quite different nature such as, for example, the Fourier components of the fundamental field themselves. What matters is that they involve the superposition of an ever increasing number of values of the field as we take the continuum limit, as is the case for the Fourier components, and that there exist for them a fixed maximum limit for the momenta, as is the case for the Fourier transforms for fixed given momenta, which do not increase in the limit. Hence we see that the description in terms of the momentum space is intrinsically more realistic, from the physical point of view, than that in terms of the position space. This is associated to the fact that the concept of wave is more natural and more elementary than the concept of particle in quantum field theory.
It is interesting to observe that, since the fundamental field becomes completely uncorrelated in the continuum limit, which is a very singular limit, it is not really possible to first take the limit and only afterward extract the physical consequences predicted by the theory. It is only possible to extract these physical consequences by taking the limit from finite lattices directly of the relevant physical quantities, in blocks of appropriate size. Hence, we see that the taking of the continuum limit from the lattice is an integral part of the manipulation of the theory for obtaining physical results.