We studied before, in sections 2.10 and 2.11, the role of
the external sources in classical field theory. We will examine in this
section the behavior of the models when one introduces external sources
in the quantum theory. We saw that, in the case of the classical theory,
the effect of the introduction of external sources is a deformation of
the classical solution, which depends of the specific form of the source
which is introduced. This happens due to the change, in the space of
configurations, of the position of the minimum of the action, which is
caused by the introduction of the external source. We will see that
something similar happens in the case of the quantum theory. It is clear
that, in this case, it is not what happens to the position of the minimum
of the action which is of immediate interest, but rather what happens
with the relative statistical weights associated to all
possible configurations.
We saw, in the example of the classical theory of the free scalar field
on a periodical lattice, that the classical solution without sources was
, and that it changed to a non-zero solution
in the presence of the external source
. This is not a
local point-by-point relation between
, but rather a
global relation, so that we may say that the solution
is a
type of functional of
: in order to determine
at a site
it is not sufficient to know
, instead it is necessary to know
at all lattice sites. In a similar way, we have that in the quantum
theory of the free scalar field on a periodical lattice the expectation
of the field is zero in the absence of
external sources. In this case the effect of the introduction of the
external source is to cause
to be no longer zero, but rather a
function of position that depends on the source
In order to exemplify these facts, let us calculate the expectation value of the field in the free theory, with periodical boundary conditions. When we have an external source the action is given by equation (2.10.1),
We know that the external source will make , unlike what
happened before, since it breaks the symmetry by the transformation
, which we used before to show that the
expectation value was zero. We may then rewrite the theory in terms of a
new variable, the shifted field
given implicitly by
, where
by definition. If
is a function of position then the same should hold for
. We may
then rewrite the action in terms of
, obtaining
Observe that the third line of the second version of this equation
contains only terms which are independent of . When we
these terms become a constant multiplying the
functional integral and, since they exist in the integrals both in the
numerator and in the denominator, these factors cancel out, in all
observables. It is therefore clear that we may discard these terms
without changing anything in the quantum theory. We will commit here a
small abuse of language and discard the terms without, however, changing
the symbol
to reflect the change. The first line of the equation
is the action from which we started written for the field
while the second contains only terms linear in
. If we recall
our symmetry arguments leading to the fact that
in the theory without sources, added to the fact that we are defining
here in such a way that
, we see that this will
only be possible if these linear terms, which are not invariant by the
, are in fact zero for any
. Clearly, this is a condition which we can use to determine
where we decomposed the sum over in sums over
Since the boundary conditions are periodical, we may write this equation
in another, equivalent form, performing an integration by parts in the
first term to obtain
In any case the important point is that it must be valid for all
the configurations that exist in the ensemble of the quantum
theory. Note that this equation does not have a classical limit, because
is an arbitrary configuration of the quantum theory, and
therefore it is not necessarily a continuous function in the continuum
limit. While
is a completely arbitrary function on
the lattice, the quantity within brackets contains only expectation
values or classical quantities, all such quantities having well-defined
definite values. This is true both for the given external source
for the expectation value
of the field that results from its
introduction. It becomes clear therefore that the only way to satisfy
this equation for all
is that the quantity within brackets be
zero (problem 3.5.1). This equation gives us a
condition involving
, which determines the relation between
these two quantities.
However, since the quantity within the bracket includes a
finite-difference operator, it is not so straightforward to solve it as a
stand-alone equation in its current form. Another way to obtain the same
result, which makes it easy to solve the equation, is to write all the
functions of position in terms of their Fourier transforms. We will do
this starting from equation (3.5.1). We have for the
field , the expectation value
and the external source
so that we may write equation (3.5.1) as
where we used the fact that the complex exponentials are eigenvalues of
the finite-difference operator and also the orthogonality and
completeness relations. Note that, once more, this must be true for all
the configurations
of the field, functions which are
as arbitrary in momentum space as the functions
arbitrary in position space. It follows therefore, exactly as before,
that it is necessary that the contents of the bracket vanish,
which is the version in momentum space of the equation for that one
obtains from equation (3.5.2),
We have therefore the solution for the expectation value in the
quantum theory,
One can verify (problem 3.5.2) that this equation
may also be obtained directly from the self-consistency equation
, by direct calculation of the
Gaussian integrals involved in this expectation value. Naturally, this is
the more direct and straightforward way to obtain the result. The
argument presented above is a shortcut based on symmetry arguments.
Note that the solution obtained is exactly the same solution obtained in the classical case for the field in the presence of the external source. It is important to emphasize that this fact is a characteristic exclusively of the free theory, due to its linearity, and is not valid in general. Having obtained the result in momentum space it is not difficult to write it in position space. One can show directly (problem 3.5.3), taking the inverse Fourier transform of this solution, that
is given by
One can show also (problem 3.5.4) that
is the propagator in position space,
This propagator tells us how the introduction of a source at the point
affects the average value of the field at another point
, that is, it describes the propagation of relations of cause
and effect within the model.
We see in this way that, in a way analogous to what happens in the
classical theory, the quantum theory also establishes a functional
relation between the expectation value of the field and the external
. In the free theory this functional relation is the same that
appears in the classical version of the theory, but this is not true in
general. The fact that the relation is the same in either case in this
simple example is not very important, what really matters is that in the
quantum case, in a fashion analogous to what happens in the classical
case, the theory establishes a well-defined relation between the external
sources and the expectation value of the field. In the classical case we
can establish the physical interpretation of the theory in terms of this
relation, so that we have here quite a familiar way of doing the same
thing on the quantum case. In fact, the effects of the quantization
process on the models, that is, the consequences of the quantum theory,
can be explored by means of the examination of the functional relation
in the quantum theory. As we shall see in what
follows, this can most conveniently be done in terms of a functional that
we will call the effective action of the model, which is a way to
encode concisely this functional relation.
where the index indicates the presence of the external source, is
equal to the width of the theory without the external source, which is
given by
and, therefore, that it is independent of both and the lattice
position where the expectation values are calculated.