Lattice Quantum Field Theory
Attention: this is work in progress, and currently incomplete.
The first three chapters are complete. The remaining parts of this book depend on computer simulations that are currently being worked on, so it will have to stay like this for a while.

Non-Linear Scalar Models

A Continued Exploration of Quantum Field Theory

by Jorge L. deLyra

Highlights of this Book

This is version 0.5 of this book. The version reflects the state of the scientific content. The book may be updated at any time for the correction of small errors of for small improvements, in either case with no relevant bearing on the content. This book was last updated on Thu Sep 20 20:52:22 UTC 2007.

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If you decide to print a copy, please note that the book is formatted for A4 paper in duplex (two-sided) format, and that it has a total of XXX pages. If you do not have access to a printer that can do duplex printing (two-sided printing), you can still print the book properly by first printing the odd pages, then reordering the sheets of paper in order print the even pages on the other sides. To this end we provide for download PDF and PS files containing only the odd and only the even pages: get PDF with odd pages only (size: XXX kB) and PDF with even pages only (size: XXX kB), or get PS with odd pages only (size: XXX kB) and PS with even pages only (size: XXX kB).

You can also obtain here compressed tar files with the source code of all programs used to generate the data shown in the book. Each tar file corresponds to a single section of a chapter, as recorded in its name; for example, c2-s10 corresponds to chapter 2, section 10.
c1-s01-graphs.tar.bz2 c1-s03-graphs.tar.bz2 c2-s03-graphs.tar.bz2
c3-s01-graphs.tar.bz2 c3-s02-graphs.tar.bz2 Place-Holder
Place-Holder Place-Holder Place-Holder
Place-Holder Place-Holder Place-Holder
Note that, although there is a Makefile within the directory extracted from each tar file, just typing "make" will not work. In order to compile and execute the programs you will have to read the files within the directory and understand what they are and how they work.

JLdL 20Sep07