A Regular Cosine Series with Odd $k$

Consider the Fourier series of the unit-amplitude triangular wave. As is well known it is given by the cosine series

S_{\rm c}

The corresponding FC series is then

\bar{S}_{\rm c}

the complex $S_{v}$ series is given by


and the complex power series $S_{z}$ is given by


The ratio test tells us that the disk of convergence of $S_{z}$ is the unit disk. If we consider the inner analytic function $w(z)$ within this disk we observe that $w(0)=0$, as expected. We have for the function and its derivative

& = &

Observe that we have for the derivative the particular value


We may now multiply by $z$ and differentiate again, to obtain

& = &
& = &

This is a geometrical series and therefore we may write this expression in closed form,

& = &

It is now very simple to integrate in order to obtain the derivative of $w(z)$ in closed form, remembering that we should have for it the value $-8/\pi^{2}$ at $z=0$,

& = &
... &

This is the logarithmic derivative of $w(z)$, which is another inner analytic function, and it should be noted that it is proportional to the analytic function $w_{\rm sq}(z)$ for the case of the standard square wave,

w_{\rm sq}(z).

We get for the derivative of $w(z)$


This function has two borderline hard singularities at the points where the triangular wave is not differentiable. Presumably $w(z)$ has two borderline soft singularities at these points. It seems that the second integration cannot be done explicitly because the indefinite integral of the function above cannot be expressed as a finite combination of elementary functions. We are thus unable to write $w(z)$ in closed form. However, we may still obtain partial confirmation of our results by using the closed form for the derivative of $w(z)$. If we differentiate the Fourier series of the triangular wave with respect to $\theta$ we get

\frac{dS_{\rm c}}{d\theta}

This is equal to $2/\pi$ times the Fourier series for the standard square wave, given in Subsection C.2. On the other hand, if we use $z=\rho\exp(\mbox{\boldmath$\imath$}\theta)$ and consider the complex derivative of $w(z)$ taken in the direction of $\theta$, we have


We have therefore

& = &
... &
w_{\rm sq}(z).

The factor of $-\mbox{\boldmath$\imath$}$ simply implements the necessary exchanges of real and imaginary parts, to account for the exchange of sines and cosines in the process of differentiation, and the factor of $2/\pi$ corrects the normalization. We see therefore that at least the derivative of the Fourier series at the unit circle is represented correctly by the inner analytic function $w(z)$.