The first-order low-pass filter can now be used to define a classification
of generalized functions. In order for the filter to be applicable, and
therefore for the classification to be feasible, the generalized functions
must be locally integrable almost everywhere, but they do not have to be
integrable on the whole domain. Observe, moreover, that we do not
have to assume that the generalized functions which we start with in this
argument were defined as limits of corresponding inner
analytic functions. Therefore, given a generalized function
which is locally integrable almost everywhere on the unit circle,
irrespective of whether or not it was defined as the
limit of
an inner analytic function, we say that it is a combed function if
it is true that
where this recovery of the original function from the
limit of the filtered function holds everywhere. Otherwise we say
that the generalized function is a ragged function. The results
obtained in [9] and discussed in the previous section now
imply that any continuous function is a combed function. We may consider
adopting a corresponding complex definition, using the corresponding
criterion for the inner analytic functions within the open unit disk.
Therefore we may classify an inner analytic function as combed if it
satisfies the condition that
where the recovery of the original function from the limit
of the filtered function holds everywhere within the open unit disk.
However, we showed in the previous section that this is the case for all inner analytic functions. This means that every inner analytic
function is combed within the open unit disk.
Since the complex low-pass filter reduces to the real low-pass filter on the unit circle, it follows at once that all the generalized functions obtained as limits to the unit circle of the real parts of inner analytic functions within the open unit disk are combed functions, which we will refer to as ``combed generalized functions''. While this simply reproduces the previously obtained results [9] for the case of continuous real functions on the unit circle, it also means that the Dirac delta ``function'' is a combed generalized function, which is quite a remarkable fact. In this particular case it is not difficult to verify this fact directly, but from the same result expressed by Equation (6) it follows that this is also true for all the derivatives of the delta ``function'', of all orders, which is not so simple and immediately apparent a fact.
Here is a simple direct proof that the delta ``function'' is a combed
generalized function. Consider a delta ``function''
centered at
. It is not difficult
to verify by direct calculation that the real filter with parameter
, if applied to this generalized function, produces a
unit-integral rectangular pulse of width
and height
centered at that same point. As one decreases
limit of this one-parameter family of rectangular
pulses is one of the many ways commonly used as a definition of the delta
``function''. Therefore one recovers the delta ``function'' in the
limit, thus showing that the delta ``function'' is a
combed generalized function.
A similar argument can be constructed for the first derivative of the
delta ``function'', in which one must use some of the properties of the
delta ``function'' itself, and the fact that the derivative of the
integration kernel
contains a
pair of delta ``functions''. However, in this case it is much simpler to
establish that the derivative of the delta ``function'' is a combed
generalized function by simply relying on the fact that it is the
limit of an inner analytic function, as was shown in [5].
The same argument is valid, with equal ease, for all the derivatives of
the delta ``function'', of arbitrarily high orders.
It is also easy to see by direct calculation that any function with a few
isolated step-type discontinuities where the two lateral limits exist, and
which is otherwise continuous, is a combed function, so long as at the
points of discontinuity the function is defined as the average of the two
lateral limits. Note that this is the value to which the Fourier series of
the function converges, if that series is convergent at all. Once again,
this result can be easily derived from the fact that functions such as the
ones just described can be obtained as the limits of the real
parts of the corresponding inner analytic functions.