In a previously mentioned paper [9] it was shown that the
first-order linear low-pass filter, in its real form, tends to the
identity operator almost everywhere in the limit. In
Section 6 of Appendix A of that paper one can find a simple proof that in
this limit the filtered function reproduces the value of the original
function whenever that function is continuous, that is
which holds at every point where is continuous. At isolated
points of discontinuity where the two lateral limits of the original
function to the point of discontinuity exist, the filtered function
converges, in the
limit, to the average of the two lateral
limits, as shown in Section 7 of that same Appendix,
When the two limits coincide, and therefore the original function is
continuous at the point , this of course reduces to the
previous property. At isolated points of non-differentiability where the
two lateral limits to that point of the derivative of the original
function exist, the derivative of the filtered function converges, in the
limit, to the average of these two lateral limits, as
shown in Section 8 of that same Appendix,
Of course, this implies that, at points where the function is
differentiable, the derivative of the filtered function converges, in the
limit, to the derivative of the original function. From
all this we may conclude that, so long as there is only a finite number of
singular points, or at most an infinite but zero-measure set of such
points, in the
limit the real filter becomes the identity
operator almost everywhere.
In addition to this, one can easily prove that the corresponding complex
filter always becomes exactly the identity operator in the
limit, within the open unit disk. This was commented on
in [3], but since it is quite crucial to our current argument
let us repeat the demonstration here. We can see this from the
complex-plane definition in Equation (4). If we consider the
variation of
between the extremes
which is given in terms of the parameter
, and we take the
limit of that
expression, we get
where we used the fact that in the limit
Since we have that
, we see that the
limit above defines the logarithmic derivative of
. In
addition to this, since that function is analytic in the open unit disk,
the limit necessarily exists. Therefore, we have
since we have here the logarithmic derivative of the logarithmic
primitive, and the operations of logarithmic differentiation and
logarithmic integration are the inverses of one another, as shown
in [2]. We see, therefore, that this property within the open
unit disk is stronger than the corresponding property on the unit circle,
since in this case we have exactly the identity in all cases, while in the
real case we had only the identity almost everywhere. We have therefore
that, for all inner analytic functions ,
which holds in the whole open unit disk. Since every inner analytic
function, filtered or not, corresponds to a real generalized function on
the unit circle in the limit, defined at all points where this
limit exists, the one-parameter family of inner analytic functions
corresponds to a one-parameter family of real
generalized functions
on the unit circle. It is
therefore clear that as
in the
limit, so does
in that same limit, at all points of the unit circle where the
limit exists, that is, at least almost everywhere.