Consider a real function defined within the periodic interval
, or equivalently on the unit circle. In this paper we assume
that all real functions to be discussed are Lebesgue-measurable
functions [10]. Let us recall that for Lebesgue-measurable
real functions defined within a compact domain the conditions of
integrability, absolute integrability and local integrability are all
equivalent to one another, as discussed in [5]. The real
functions we are to deal with here may be integrable in the whole domain,
or they may be what we call locally non-integrable, as defined
in [5]. This means that they are not integrable on the whole
domain, but are integrable in all closed sub-intervals of the domain that
do not contain any of the non-integrable singular points of the function,
of which we assume there is at most a finite number. Therefore the term
``locally non-integrable'' is to be understood as meaning ``locally
integrable almost everywhere''. An integrable singularity is one around
which the asymptotic integral of the function exists, while around a
non-integrable one the asymptotic integral does not exist, or diverges to
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For such functions we may define the action of the first-order linear
low-pass filter as an operator acting on the space of real functions,
which from the real function produces another real function
by means of the integral
which is well-defined at the point so long as the interval
does not contain any of the
non-integrable singularities of the original function. Since we are on the
unit circle, the parameter
must satisfy
. In
this paper we will be interested mostly in the limit
, and
in this limit this definition suffices to determine
at all points except for the non-integrable singular points of
, that is to say almost everywhere, and strictly everywhere
within the domain of definition of
itself. The low-pass filter
can also be defined in terms of an integration kernel
where the kernel is defined as
As was shown in [3], this real operator acting on the real
functions can be obtained from a corresponding complex operator acting on
the inner analytic functions, in the limit from the open unit disk to the
unit circle, as follows. Consider an inner analytic function , with
. We define from it the
corresponding filtered complex function
, using the real
angular range parameter
, by
involving an integral over the arc of circle illustrated in Figure 1, where the two extremes are given by
This definition can be implemented at all the points of the open unit
disk. Note that if we make , the integrand in
Equation (2) converges to a finite number, since the Taylor
series of
has no constant term, given that
an inner analytic function. It follows that in that limit the integral
converges to zero, because the domain of integration becomes a single
point in the limit. Therefore we conclude that
, which
means that the filter reduces to the local identity at
. Since on the
arc of circle we have that
and hence that
, we may also write the definition of the complex
filtered function as
which makes it explicitly clear that what we have here is a simple
normalized integral over . One can thus see that what we are doing
is to map the value of the function
to the average of
over the symmetric arc of circle of angular span
with constant
. This defines a new complex function
at that point.
Repeating what was done in [3] in the context of the
old-style inner analytic functions, and since it is a crucial part of our
present argument, let us now show that this complex function is in fact
analytic, and therefore that it is an inner analytic function according to
the newer definition given in [5], since we have already shown
that it has the property that
. The definition in
Equation (2) has the general form of a logarithmic integral,
which is the inverse operation to the logarithmic derivative, as defined
and discussed in [2], where the logarithmic primitive of
was defined as the integral
over any simple curve from to
within the open unit disk, and
where we are using the notation for the logarithmic primitive introduced
in that paper. The logarithmic primitive
is an analytic
function within the open unit disk, as shown in [2], and it
clearly has the property that
, so that it is an inner
analytic function as well. In order to demonstrate the analyticity of
we consider the integral over the closed
positively-oriented circuit shown in Figure 1, from which it
follows that we have
due to the Cauchy-Goursat theorem, since the contour is closed and the integrand is analytic on it and within it. It follows that we have
Since the logarithmic primitive
is an analytic function
within the open unit disk, and since the functions
are also analytic functions in that domain, it follows
that the right-hand side of this equation is an analytic function of
within the open unit disk. We have therefore for the filtered complex
which shows that
is an analytic function as well. Since
we have already shown that
, it follows that this
complex filtered function is an inner analytic function.
Let us now show that this complex low-pass filter reduces to the real
low-pass filter on the unit circle. If we write both the original function
and the filtered function
in terms of their real
and imaginary parts, the expression in Equation (3) becomes
are the
harmonic conjugate functions respectively of
. If we now take the
limit to the unit
circle, we get from the real and imaginary parts of this expression
so long as the integration interval on the unit circle does not contain
any non-integrable singularities of . Since the real part
tends in the
limit to the real generalized function
corresponding to the inner analytic function
, we may
conclude that in the
limit the complex filter reduces to the
definition of the real filter given in Equation (1), for any
real generalized function
that can be obtained as
limit of the real part of an inner analytic function. The
same is true for the imaginary part, of course, which converges to the
corresponding ``Fourier Conjugate'' real generalized function, a concept
which was defined in [1] and restated in [5].