Rigorous Proof of the Theorem

The same complex arithmetic used in the previous section can be employed for the construction a rigorous and direct demonstration that the sequence $S_{n}$ is convergent. The argument is very similar to a demonstration of the Dirichlet convergence test. In order to do this we show below that, for $v\neq 1$, the sequence $S_{n}$ is a Cauchy sequence within a closed disc in the complex plane, which implies that it is convergent. The demonstration is quite simple and short. We simply consider the partial sums


multiply by $(1-v)$ and manipulate the summation indices in order to obtain, in a way similar to the manipulations done before,


Taking now absolute values and using the triangular inequalities we get

\vert 1-v\vert\vert S_{n}\vert
\vert a_{0}\vert
\sum_{k=1}^{n}\vert a_{k}-a_{k-1}\vert
\vert a_{n}\vert.

Assuming now that the sequence of coefficients $a_{k}$ decreases monotonically to zero, we may write

\vert 1-v\vert\vert S_{n}\vert

Once again almost all terms in the remaining sum cancel out in pairs, and we are left with

\vert 1-v\vert\vert S_{n}\vert

It follows that, so long as $v\neq 1$, we may write a finite upper bound to the partial sum,

\vert S_{n}\vert
\frac{2a_{0}}{\vert 1-v\vert}

which does not depend on $n$, and is therefore valid for all $n$. We conclude therefore that the whole set of partial sums is contained within a closed disc of radius $\rho$, centered at the origin, which is the initial point of the sequence. As a consequence, given any two partial sums $S_{n}$ and $S_{n'}$, the distance between them is less than $2\rho$,

\vert S_{n}-S_{n'}\vert

for any $n$ and any $n'$. It is not difficult to repeat this argument for a sum that starts at an arbitrary intermediate point $m$ of the sequence, and goes up to a point $n>m$. This is the difference of two partial sums of the series,

& = &
& = &

Repeating for $S_{mn}$ the same manipulations executed before for $S_{n}$, we get this time


Taking now absolute values we get

\vert 1-v\vert\vert S_{mn}\vert

In this way we see that, so long as $v\neq 1$, all the elements of the sequence $S_{n}$ with $n>m$ are within a closed disc centered at $S_{m}$, with a finite radius $\rho_{m+1}$,

\vert S_{mn}\vert
\vert S_{n}-S_{m}\vert
\frac{2a_{m+1}}{\vert 1-v\vert}

which is independent of $n$, so that this relation is valid for all $n$. It follows that any two elements $S_{n}$ and $S_{n'}$ of the sequence such that $n>m$ and $n'>m$ are within this disc, and hence the distance between them is bounded by the diameter of the disc,

\vert S_{n'}-S_{n}\vert

This establishes the Cauchy-sequence structure of our sequence $S_{n}$. In order to complete the argument, let a real number $\epsilon>0$ be given. We consider the infinite collection of positive real numbers

\frac{4a_{m+1}}{\vert 1-v\vert},

all of which are finite so long as $v\neq 1$. Since we have by our hypotheses that $a_{m+1}\to 0$ when $m\to\infty$, it follows that there is a value of $m$ such that

\frac{4a_{m+1}}{\vert 1-v\vert}

If we consider this value of $m$, then it follows that, for any $n>m$ and any $n'>m$, it is true that

\vert S_{n'}-S_{n}\vert
\frac{4a_{m+1}}{\vert 1-v\vert}

which establishes that there is a value of $m$ that satisfies the criterion for a Cauchy sequence. Since $S_{n}$ is thus shown to be a Cauchy sequence within a closed disc, which is a complete set, it follows that it converges. As a consequence, so long as $v\neq 1$ the Fourier cosine and sine series that correspond to the sequence $S_{n}$ are both convergent. The same comments made before about the special case $v=1$ still apply, of course, so that the sine series converges everywhere, while the cosine series converges at all points except $\theta=0$.