Given a sequence of Fourier coefficients of an integrable DP real
with zero average, let us show that they uniquely
characterize that real function almost everywhere, that is, up to a
zero-measure function. The point of the proof is to show that this is true
independently of the convergence of the Fourier series of the function,
hence including the cases in which that series diverges almost everywhere.
Since two real functions with opposite parities clearly must always have
different sequences of Fourier coefficients, it is enough to show that the
result holds within the two sets of real functions with the same parity.
Although the definition of the integral in itself will not be used
directly, the argument will involve the concept of a zero-measure
function, and therefore we should always think in terms of the Lebesgue
integral and of the usual Lebesgue measure, for conceptual reasons as well
as for the sake of generality. Hence, when we talk here of an integrable
function, we mean integrable in the sense of Lebesgue.
Imagine then that we are given two different integrable DP real functions
, both with zero average and both with
the same parity, and consider their difference
which of course has the same parity as and
, and which is also a zero-average function. Let us assume
that both
have the same sequence of
Fourier coefficients
, for
. It follows that
has all its Fourier coefficients
equal to zero, since
from the relation above we clearly have
for all . This means that the function
has zero
scalar product with all the elements of the Fourier basis, and thus that
it is orthogonal to all of them. However, as shown in [1], that
basis satisfies a completeness relation,
for all and all
, and is therefore complete. From
this it follows that
, being orthogonal to all the elements of
the basis, must be a zero-measure function, that is, a function which is
zero-measure equivalent to the identically zero function. In order to show
this, we simply multiply the equation above by
and integrate
over the periodic interval,
The integral on the left-hand side can be calculated through the use of
the properties of the delta ``function'', which were given and
demonstrated in [1]. The three expressions within square
brackets on the right-hand side are the various Fourier coefficients of
the function . The first one is zero because
, just
, is a zero-average function. The
other two sequences of coefficients are identically zero because the
scalar products of
and the elements of the basis are all zero.
Besides, one of the sequences contains the coefficients of the part of the
basis which has the wrong parity, and thus these coefficients must all be
zero by a parity argument. Therefore the whole right-hand side is zero and
hence we have
which is valid for almost all values of . Therefore
is zero almost everywhere. In other words,
differ only by a zero-measure function, and are thus equal
to each other almost everywhere.
We may conclude from this that, if and
to be different by more than a zero-measure function, then their sequences
of Fourier coefficients must be different, and therefore the coefficients
uniquely characterize the originating function, up to a zero-measure
function. Observe that nothing in this argument involves the convergence
of the Fourier series of the real functions. In particular, the proof of
completeness of the Fourier basis presented in [1] and
expressed by the relation in Equation (5) was obtained
directly from the complex analytic structure within the open unit disk,
and it also does not involve in any way the convergence of the Fourier
series on the unit circle.