A Regular Sine Series with All $k$

Consider the Fourier series of the one-cycle unit-amplitude sawtooth wave, which is just the linear function $\theta/\pi$ between $-\pi$ and $\pi$. As is well known it is given by the sine series

S_{\rm s}

The corresponding FC series is then

\bar{S}_{\rm s}

the complex $S_{v}$ series is given by


and the complex power series $S_{z}$ is given by


The ratio test tells us that the disk of convergence of $S_{z}$ is the unit disk. If we consider the inner analytic function $w(z)$ within this disk we observe that $w(0)=0$, as expected. We have for the function and its derivative

& = &
& = &
\frac{2}{\pi z}

This is a geometrical series and therefore we may write the derivative in closed form,

& = &
\frac{2}{\pi z}\,
& = &

This function has a simple pole at the point where the one-cycle sawtooth wave is discontinuous. This is a hard singularity of degree $1$. It is now very simple to integrate in order to obtain the inner analytic function $w(z)$ in closed form, remembering that we should have $w(0)=0$,


This function has a logarithmic singularity at the point where the one-cycle sawtooth wave is discontinuous. This is a borderline hard singularity. If we now rationalize the argument of the logarithm in order to write it in the form

R\,{\rm e}^{\mbox{\boldmath$\imath$}\alpha},

then the logarithm is given by


which allows us to identify the real and imaginary parts of $w(z)$. We may write for the argument

R\,{\rm e}^{\mbox{\boldmath$\imath$}\alpha}
& = &

From this it follows, after some algebra, that we have

& = &

The part which is of interest now is the imaginary one, which is related to the series $S_{\rm s}$,


The $\rho\to 1$ limit of this quantity is the function $f_{\rm s}(\theta)$. If we consider the case $\theta=\pm\pi$, we immediately get zero, because the argument of the arc tangent is zero, and therefore we get $\alpha=0$. Therefore we have

f_{\rm s}(\pm\pi)
& = &
\lim_{\rho\to 1}
& = &

This is the correct value for the Fourier-series representation of the one-cycle sawtooth wave at this point. For $\theta\neq\pm\pi$ we get

f_{\rm s}(\theta)
& = &
\lim_{\rho\to 1}

In order to solve this we write everything in terms of $\theta/2$, and thus obtain

f_{\rm s}(\theta)
& = &
& = &

This is the correct value for the one-cycle unit-amplitude sawtooth wave. The FC function is related to the real part


In the $\rho\to 1$ limit this function is singular at $\theta=\pm\pi$. Away from this logarithmic singularity we may write

\bar{f}_{\rm s}(\theta)
& = &
\lim_{\rho\to 1}
& = &

We see therefore that the FC function to the one-cycle sawtooth wave is a function with a logarithmic singularity at the point where the original function is discontinuous. The derivative of this conjugate function is easily calculated, and turns out to be

\frac{d\bar{f}_{\rm s}(\theta)}{d\theta}

This is a quite a simple function, with a simple pole at $\theta=\pm\pi$. Note that the logarithmic singularity of the FC function $\bar{f}_{\rm s}(\theta)$ is an integrable one, as one would expect since the Fourier coefficients are finite.

Note that we get a free set of integration formulas out of this effort. Since the coefficients $a_{k}$ can be written as integrals involving $\bar{f}_{\rm s}(\theta)$, we have at once that


for $k>0$.