When we discuss real functions in this paper, some properties will be globally assumed for these functions, just as was done in [#!CAoRFI!#,#!CAoRFII!#,#!CAoRFIII!#]. These are rather weak conditions to be imposed on these functions, that will be in force throughout this paper. It is to be understood, without any need for further comment, that these conditions are valid whenever real functions appear in the arguments. These weak conditions certainly hold for any integrable real functions that are obtained as restrictions of corresponding inner analytic functions to the unit circle.
The most basic condition is that the real functions must be measurable in the sense of Lebesgue, with the usual Lebesgue measure [#!RARudin!#,#!RARoyden!#]. The second global condition we will impose is that the functions have no removable singularities. The third and last global condition is that the number of hard singularities on the unit circle be finite, and hence that they be all isolated from one another. There will be no limitation on the number of soft singularities.
In addition to this we will assume, for the purposes of this particular
paper, that all real functions are integrable on the unit circle and, just
for the sake of clarity and simplicity, unless explicitly stated otherwise
we will also assume that all real functions are zero-average real
functions, meaning that their integrals over the unit circle are zero.
Since this simply implies that the Fourier coefficients of
the real functions are zero, without affecting any of the other
coefficients in any way, this clearly has no impact on any arguments about
the convergence of the Fourier series.
For the purposes of this paper it is important to review here, in some
detail, the construction that results in the correspondence between
integrable real functions on the unit circle and inner analytic functions
on the open unit disk. In [#!CAoRFI!#] we showed that, given any
integrable real function , one can construct a corresponding
inner analytic function
, from the real part of which
can be recovered almost everywhere on the unit circle, through the use of
limit, where
are polar coordinates
on the complex plane. In that construction we started by calculating the
Fourier coefficients [#!FSchurchill!#]
the real function, which is always possible given that the function is
integrable, using the usual integrals defining these coefficients,
. We then defined a set of complex Taylor
given by
. Next we defined a complex variable
associated to
, using the positive real variable
, by
. Using all these elements we then constructed the
complex power series
which we showed in [#!CAoRFI!#] to be convergent to an inner analytic
function within the open unit disk. That inner analytic function
may be written as
The complex power series in Equation (6) is therefore the
Taylor series of . We also proved in [#!CAoRFI!#] that one recovers
the real function
almost everywhere on the unit circle from
the real part
, by means of the
limit. The
limit of the imaginary part
also exists almost everywhere and gives rise to a real
which corresponds to
. The pair of real
functions obtained from the real and imaginary parts of one and the same
inner analytic function are said to be mutually Fourier-conjugate real
In a subsequent paper [#!CAoRFIII!#] we showed that all the
elements of the Fourier theory [#!FSchurchill!#] of integrable real
functions are contained within the complex-analytic structure, including
the Fourier basis of functions, the Fourier series, the scalar product for
integrable real functions, the relations of orthogonality and norm of the
basis elements, and the completeness of the Fourier basis, including its
so-called completeness relation. As was also shown in [#!CAoRFIII!#] the
real function
which is the Fourier-conjugate
function to
has the same Fourier coefficients, but
with the meanings of
interchanged in such a
way that we have
. Note that there is no constant term in
the Fourier series of
, which means that we have
![]() |
(9) |
In other words, the Fourier-conjugate function is always a
zero-average real function. Note also that this fact, as well as the
relations in Equation (8) imply, in particular, that
is also an integrable real function. We may therefore conclude
that, if
is an integrable real function, then so is its
Fourier-conjugate function