The graph seen in Figure 1 shows most of the functions involved
in the solution, for a typical mid-range set of the dimensionless
parameters, namely ,
, and
. The crucial
function, from which everything else stems, is the function
which in all cases has the same qualitative behavior shown in that graph,
for any values of the parameters for which a solution exists. It is a very
simple function, that slopes up monotonically from a constant negative
value to a constant positive value. These two constant values determine
respectively. Its derivative
is also
a simple function, with a single well-defined point of maximum. It is
closely related to the matter energy density
, which is also
shown in the graph. The second derivative
gives the numerical
propagation function. For the value
, which is used in this case,
it clearly marks the positions of the interface points, where its graph
hits the
axis at right angles.
The general behavior of the solution is that almost always there are two
interface points and thus both an inner vacuum region and an outer vacuum
region. However, the parameters can be judiciously adjusted so as to
decrease the width of the inner vacuum region to zero, in which case the
shell becomes a filled sphere. In this case one gets , so that
the inner interface tends to the origin, and then one gets
as well, so that we have that
is zero at the origin, that
is, the Tooper boundary condition
holds, as is the case in
most treatments, such as
in [#!LandauClassicalFields!#,#!WeinbergGC!#,#!Wald!#,#!MisnerThorneWheeler!#].
Therefore, this takes us back to the solutions found by
Tooper [#!tooper!#].
For each given value of there is a minimum positive and non-zero value
that is allowed, which is the one that gives the Tooper
solution. Below that minimum value of
a hard singularity of
is generated, corresponding to an infinite matter energy
density, and then there is no acceptable solution to the problem. On the
other hand, the outer interface point seems to always exist, for all
allowed values of the parameters of the system. The only limitation on the
values of the parameters due to existence conditions for the solutions are
those related to the inner interface.
The graph in Figure 2 shows the functions and
that describe the geometry of the solution for this same
set of input parameters. Outside the outer interface these are the just
the functions of the exterior Schwarzschild solution, for which we have
, with
Somewhere within the matter region there is a crossing of the graphs of
, so that for sufficiently small
signs are reversed, and we then have that
. Inside the inner interface these are the functions of the
exact solution for the inner vacuum. Since these two functions have
singularities at the origin, the graphs are limited to a region within
which the graphs stay below certain maximum absolute values of
. It is worth emphasizing that these are the only two
functions involved that diverge somewhere in their domains, and that such
divergences only happen at the origin.
The graph in Figure 3 shows the quantity as a
function of
, for this first set of values of the
parameters. This graph depicts the behavior of the function
the approach of the inner interface at
from within the matter
region, which proceeds from the right to the left in the graph. In this
behaves indeed as
, as
one can see from the fact that the slope of the straight line shown in the
graphs is exactly
, within the numerical precision level in use.
This straight line was obtained by linear regression from the numerical
data. This result confirm the analysis made in Section 3, and it
also shows that
in fact hits zero at
, since otherwise
this log-log graph could not turn out to be a straight line.
In the graph shown in Figure 4 we display a high-density case,
in which we use the value , a smaller value of the parameter
, and a much larger value of the parameter
, with
. In this case the inner vacuum is very wide in the radial
direction, and all the matter is concentrated within a relatively thin
shell located closer to the outer interface than to the inner one.
As one can see in the graph in Figure 5, in this case the
geometry becomes much more extreme. The constant value of
within the inner vacuum regions becomes large and negative. For large but
finite values of
this significantly decreases the physical
volume of the inner vacuum region, as compared to its apparent
volume. Note that within the inner vacuum region, since the radial lengths
shrink, while the angular ones remain invariant, the geometry of a
two-dimensional spacial section through the origin, of this
four-dimensional geometry, is not embeddable in a flat three-dimensional
space, in the way that the exterior Schwarzschild geometry is.
The data for the third set of parameters, shown in the graphs is
Figures 6 to 8, a low-density example with ,
, and
, shows how our solution approaches the
behavior that is expected by our classical Newtonian intuition, along most
of the matter distribution. This example is well along the limit leading
to the Tooper solutions, as indicated by the very small value of
given in the caption of Figure 6. In this case the
inner vacuum region and the singularity that it contains become reduced to
a very small region near the origin. The smaller the value of
the smaller this region becomes, and in the
limit it is
reduced to a single point. Under appropriate conditions, with small but
, this small singular region may then be washed away by
the thermal fluctuations of the system, since they violate spherical
symmetry at a sufficiently small length scale.
In this case the geometry becomes almost flat almost everywhere, since
both and
become very small, as can be seen in
the graph shown in Figure 7. What curvature there is becomes
quite smooth, and embeddable in three dimensions, all the way down to the
point where
becomes zero. This only fails to be the case
within a very small region near the origin. In Figure 8 one can
see the matter energy density, which has a maximum quite close to the
origin, and is monotonically decreasing outward from there, just as is
hypothesized in the case of the Tooper solutions. In the
limit the point of maximum of the matter energy density tends to the
Note that while in the low-density case the inner vacuum region that
contains the singularity becomes ever smaller as decreases, in
the case of the data for the second set of parameters, with a large value
, the inner vacuum region and the effects of the central
singularity spread throughout most of the interior of the object, and thus
cannot be ignored. Therefore, while for low-density objects our solution
does not differ significantly from the Tooper solutions, for dense objects
it is rather dramatically different from it.