Let us now describe in detail our strategy for the numerical solution of
Equation (37). We will consider this to be a system of two
coupled first-order differential equations for the functions
, leading to a pair of numerical development equations,
which can be easily obtained, and that are given by
where is the value of the auxiliary function
, where
is a small increment of the variable
and where
are the corresponding increments of the
. This system can be integrated by
the use of the Runge-Kutta fourth-order algorithm in a straightforward
way, so long as one has a sensible starting point for the integration
We must now discuss where to start the integration process. There are two
alternatives that we have used. The first alternative is to start at the
inflection point of the function
. As we saw in
Section 3, Equation (37) itself provides us with a
fixed relation between
at this
point. This means that, given a value of
at this point,
which will have the role of a free parameter of the system, we have the
corresponding value of
, which then allows us to start
the integration process. The second alternative is to start at the root
, which we know necessarily exists and is
necessarily located within the matter region. Once again the value of
at this point will have the role of a free parameter of the
system, and in this case we just start with
. The first
alternative seems to work better for the larger initial values of
, which corresponds to the more dense objects, and the
second alternative seems to work better for the smaller initial values of
, which corresponds to the less dense objects.
In either case, we must start with a choice for the initial value of
. Taking the position
of the inflection point
as the example of a starting point for this discussion, we note that a
choice of value for
is tantamount to a choice of a relation
, without implying the choice of a definite
value for either one. Therefore the choice of the initial value of
can be quite arbitrary, without leading to any loss of generality. For
example, if we start with
, this only means that we choose the
arbitrary parameter
to be the position of the inflection
point, without actually choosing a value for
. Therefore, a
solution found in this way is not just a single solution, but a
one-parameter family of solutions, parametrized by the values of
A similar argument can be made in the case in which we start at the
of the zero of
Note that the physical constants ,
do not appear
individually in either the numerical propagation equations or the initial
values. They appear only as the combination seen in the definition of the
dimensionless constant
, which in turn appears only in the expression
We will therefore adopt as one of our free parameters for the
numerical work, the others being
and the initial value of
which will then result in a certain value of
. Note that the
that contains the mass
also does not appear in
either the equation or the initial values. It appears only as the
asymptotic boundary condition for
, which is obtained only at
the end of the integration process in the outward direction.
Having chosen an arbitrary initial value for , and depending on
whether we are starting at the zero of
or at its inflection
point, for example with either
, we then choose
a value for either
, and we use either the
or the value of
given in
Equation (53), as implied by
, which is
given by
Departing from the chosen initial point, we then integrate out in both
directions, of increasing and decreasing , until
approaches zero in each case, with a high degree of numerical precision.
Subsequently we concatenate the results into a single function from
. The values obtained for
at the two
boundary points are then used to generate analytically the correct exact
solutions in the inner and outer vacuum regions, which are plotted
alongside the corresponding numerical solution, from some point to the
left of
to some point to the right of
. In order to do
this, at the outer boundary we just use the fact that
as given in Equation (51), in order to generate the correct exterior Schwarzschild solution as given in Equations (41) and (42). In order to obtain the dimensionfull physical parameters, we must recall that
We can then simply choose any positive value that we want for , and
thus obtain the corresponding value of the parameter
. This value of
can then be used to obtain
the values of all the other dimensionfull physical parameters of the
system. In the case of the inner boundary we use the fact that
as given in Equation (50), as well as the fact that we have for
the integration constant
in order to generate the correct interior vacuum solution as given in Equations (39) and (40), with
Note that the integration constant for the function within the
matter region must be chosen so that at the outer interface we have
has the correct value, given by
Equation (42). This is easily accomplished by just correcting the
values of
afterwards, by simply adding a constant to them.
From Equation (32) we can see that, since at the outer interface
we have that
, where
, it
follows that if we just ignore the integration constant we get
. Therefore, all that we have to do is to add
afterwards, for which we may take
advantage of the fact that
already known.
We have used three sets of values of the parameters in order to generate
the data seen on the graphs, the first two starting from the inflection
point of the function , and the last one starting from the
zero of that function. These sets of parameters are as follows.
The first set uses some arbitrary mid-range values of the parameters, that
have the property of just displaying in a simple and clear way all the
main characteristics of the solutions. The second set of parameters
corresponds qualitatively to the configuration of a high-density object
such as a white dwarf or neutron star. In these two cases the integration
was started from the inflection point of
. The
third set of parameters corresponds qualitatively to the configuration of
a low-density object, such as a normal main sequence star. In this case
the integration was started from the zero