The fact that we discuss the properties of real functions only within the
interval is not a limitation from the physics point of view.
It is easy to show that all situations in physics application can be
reduced to this interval. Let us consider a physical variable
the closed interval
, and let
be a real function describing
some physical quantity within that interval. The size of the interval does
not matter. For example, if
is a measure of length, the interval could
be the size of a small resonant cavity or it could be the size of the
galaxy. In any case it is still a closed interval. The same is true if
represents an energy, since it is always true that only limited amounts of
energy are available for any given experiment or realistic physical
situation. So long as
, regardless of the magnitude or physical
nature of the dimensionfull physical variable
, we can rescale it to
fit within
. It is a simple question of making a change of
variables, by defining the new dimensionless variable
so that
. The inverse transformation is given by
The function can now be transformed into a function
where describes the same physics as
. Let us now
consider the transformation of the first-order low-pass filter from one
system of variables to the other. Given a value of
, if we vary it
, we have a corresponding variation of
, which we will
. It then follows that we have a relation between
The limit is now seen to be clearly equivalent to the
, and the definition of the filtered function
has a counterpart
It follows that if is a combed function and we thus have that
then we also have that
so that is also a similarly combed function. We may thus conclude
that it suffices to consider and discuss only the set of combed functions