The Conjugate Function of the First Slow-Converging Wave

The Number of Series Terms Added in Each Run
Prec. Fourier Series Center Series Ratios FS/CS
Req. Average Maximum Average Maximum Average Maximum
$10^{-3}$ $1031902.95$ $8210494$ $100.73$ $4252$ $10244.25$ $1930.97$
$10^{-4}$ $103176107.38$ $820489994$ $472.20$ $18745$ $218500.86$ $43771.14$
$10^{-5}$ $10317645989.24$ $82058831494$ $2169.91$ $80744$ $4754872.78$ $1016283.95$
$10^{-6}$ $\times.\times$ $\times\times$ $10097.77$ $395744$ N/A N/A
$10^{-7}$ $\times.\times$ $\times\times$ $46822.72$ $1845744$ N/A N/A
$10^{-8}$ $\times.\times$ $\times\times$ $216628.40$ $8294744$ N/A N/A

The Time of Each Run in Seconds
Precision Required Fourier Series Time Center Series Time Ratios FS/CS
$10^{-3}$ $80.61$ $0.00$ N/A
$10^{-4}$ $14798.04$ $0.03$ $493268.00$
$10^{-5}$ $5679302.35$ $0.16$ $35495639.69$
$10^{-6}$ $\times.\times$ $0.79$ N/A
$10^{-7}$ $\times.\times$ $3.65$ N/A
$10^{-8}$ $\times.\times$ $16.81$ N/A