From the construction described in the previous section for the order-
derivatives of the infinite-order scaled kernel, which can all be written
in terms of the kernel itself, and from the fact that the infinite-order
scaled kernel is zero at the two ends of its support interval, it follows
at once that all the order-
derivatives of the kernel are also zero at
these two points. Therefore the kernel and all its order-
for all
, are zero at the two ends
of the
support interval, as in fact we already knew, since this is also a
consequence of the fact that the kernel is a
function over
its whole domain.
In a similar way, we may also determine other points within the support
interval where almost all the order- derivatives of the kernel are
zero. For example, at the central point, although the kernel itself is not
zero, we see that its first derivative is, and in fact iterating the
construction one can see that all the higher-order derivatives are zero
there. Therefore all the order-
derivatives of the kernel, for all
, are zero at the central point
of the support
interval. An examination of the situation at the two inflection points
reveals that at those two points all the order-
derivatives of the kernel, for all
, are zero.
The iteration of this process of analysis can be continued indefinitely,
with the result that there are sets of increasing numbers of points
regularly spaced in the support interval where all derivatives above a
certain order are zero. This can be systematized as shown in
Table 1. We see therefore that there is a set of
points regularly spaced within the support interval where all derivatives
with order
or larger are zero. In the
limit this set of
points tends to be densely distributed within the support interval.
Outside the support interval the derivatives of all orders are zero at all
points, of course, since the kernel is identically zero there.
In we assemble the Taylor series of the kernel function around one of the
points where all the derivatives of order and larger are zero, we
obtain a convergent power series, which is in fact a polynomial of order
. Since the kernel function is obviously not such a polynomial, it is
therefore not represented by its convergent Taylor series around
this reference point, at any points other than the reference point itself.
Since in order to be analytic the kernel function would have to be so
represented within an open set around the reference point, it follows that
it is not analytic at any of these points. Since this set of points tends
to become densely distributed within the support interval, we may conclude
that the kernel function is not analytic at all points of the
support interval.
One can try to extend this argument to show in a somewhat heuristic way
that the kernel function cannot be represented by a convergent power
series around any point of the support interval, whether or not it is in
the dense subset. Let us consider a point where the kernel function has
non-zero derivatives of arbitrarily high orders, and where the Taylor
series built from them converges in an open neighborhood of that reference
point. This implies that the point at issue is not in the dense subset.
Note that since the kernel function is we know that all its
derivatives at the point exist, whether or not they are zero. Since the
subset of points discussed above is dense in the support interval, there
is at least one point of the dense subset within this open neighborhood.
Therefore there is another Taylor series around this point, which is also
Since both are Taylor series of the same function and converge in a common domain, we must be able to transform each one into the other by a transformation of coordinates that is a simple shift of the argument of the series. Note that all the derivatives of the kernel function, of all orders, are themselves continuous and differentiable functions. However, no such transformation of variables can transform the second series, which is a polynomial of finite order, into a series such as the first one, with no upper bound to the powers present in it. This seems to produce an absurd situation. Therefore, one is led to think that either the first series cannot be a convergent series, or it must converge to some function other than the kernel function. In any case, it follows that the kernel function is not represented by this Taylor series either, and once again that it cannot be analytic at the point under discussion.
One may wonder about whether the real infinite-order kernel function can be extended analytically to the complex plane. It is clear that this cannot be done in the usual way, with the simple exchange of its argument by a complex variable. In addition to this, we know that it can be obtained as the limit to the unit circle of an inner analytic function, and that the inner analytic function has a densely distributed set of singularities on the support of the kernel. It is therefore reasonable to think that this is not possible, but no complete proof of this is currently available.