The discussions of two of the results related to the complex-analytic
structure introduced in [#!CAoRFI!#], whose proofs were presented in that
paper, turn out to be somewhat incomplete for our needs here, so that the
proofs presented there must be somewhat refined. These are the discussions
regarding the fact that soft singularities must be integrable ones
(Property of Definition
), and the fact that borderline hard
singularities must be integrable ones (Property
of Definition
Let us discuss and refine each one in turn.
With regard to the fact that a soft singularity of an inner analytic
function at a point
on the unit circle must be an
integrable one, the discussion given in [#!CAoRFI!#] takes us to the
point where it is shown that the integral of
exists on all simple
curves contained within the unit disk that connect to the point
However, we neglected to point out that certain integrals involving
have all the same value, which is equivalent to the fact that the
angular primitive
is well-defined at
. Let us
repeat the argument here. Therefore, we now review the following important
property of soft singularities, first established in [#!CAoRFI!#].
This is so because the angular integration of produces its angular
primitive, an inner analytic function
which also has at
a soft singularity, and therefore is well defined at that point.
Since the value of
is given by an integral
along a curve from the origin to
, as shown in
Equation (2), that integral must therefore exist and result
in a finite complex number, for all curves within the open unit disk that
go from
. Since the other factor involved in the integrand
of that integral is a regular function which is different from zero in a
neighborhood around
, say an open disk of radius
shown in Figure 1, this implies that
must be integrable
. Therefore, the singularity of
must be an
integrable one.
In addition to this, since
has a definite finite complex
value at
, we may also conclude that the value of the integral
giving it does not depend on the integration contour from
that is, on the direction along which that curve connects to
. Then
the Cauchy-Goursat theorem in its usual form, which implies that integrals
from the origin to any point
within the open unit disk are
independent of the integration contours connecting those two points and
contained within the open unit disk, allows us to generalize the result,
in a straightforward way, from curves starting at the point
to curves
starting at any internal point
within the open unit disk, by
simply connecting the origin and
by means of any simple curve, for
example the straight segment shown in Figure 1. We therefore
conclude that, given an integration contour
contained within the unit
disk and going from
, the integral
![]() |
(4) |
does not depend on the contour. We thus establish this property in a more complete way.
![]() |
With regard to the fact that a borderline hard singularity of an inner
analytic function at a point
on the unit circle must be an
integrable one, we again neglected to point out in [#!CAoRFI!#] that the
same set of integrals from
discussed in the previous
case, along any simple curve contained within the unit disk and connecting
those two points, are all equal, which once more is equivalent to the fact
that the angular primitive
is well-defined at
Let us repeat the argument here. Therefore, we now review the following
important property of borderline hard singularities, first established
in [#!CAoRFI!#].
This is so because the angular integration of produces its angular
primitive, an inner analytic function
which has at
a soft singularity, given that the singularity of
at that
point is a borderline hard one, and therefore
is well
defined at the point
. Since the value of
is given by an integral involving
along a curve from the
origin to
, as shown in Equation (2), that integral
must therefore exist and result in a finite complex number, for all curves
within the unit disk that go from
. Since the other factor
involved in the integrand of that integral is a regular function which is
different from zero in the neighborhood around
, this implies that
must be integrable around
. Therefore, the singularity of
must be an integrable one.
In addition to this, since
has a definite finite complex
value at
, we may also conclude that the value of the integral
giving it does not depend on the integration contour from the origin to
, that is, on the direction along which that curve connects to
. Just as was noted before in the discussion of the previous case,
at this point the Cauchy-Goursat theorem allows us to generalize the
result, in a straightforward way, from curves starting at the point
curves starting at any internal point
on the open unit disk. We
therefore conclude that, given an integration contour
contained within
the unit disk and going from
, the integral
![]() |
(5) |
does not depend on the contour. We thus establish this property in a more complete way.
We may express these two results, about the singularities being
integrable, in a more concise way, by simply stating that what we mean by
the integrability of an inner analytic function around a singular
on the unit circle is that the integrals shown in
Equation (2) on curves contained within the open unit disk
and going from any internal point
to that singular point both
exist and are independent of the curves. This is, of course, equivalent to
the statement that the angular primitive of
exists and is
well-defined at
Once again we recall that, as was noted in [#!CAoRFI!#], whenever the
singularities on the unit circle are branch points, it is understood that
the corresponding branch cuts are to be extended outward from the
unit circle, so that no branch cuts cross the unit disk. In this way there
can be no crossings between branch cuts and integration contours within
the open unit disk. This simplifies the arguments, since such crossings
would force us to consider the fact that the integration contours might be
changing from one leaf of a Riemann surface to another. However, the fact
that this is not an essential hypothesis is apparent when one
considers that for closed integration contours these crossings
would necessarily happen in pairs, each pair representing a change of
leafs followed by a change back to the original leaf, given that all
branch cuts within the open unit disk must cross it completely, since
there are no singularities of within the open unit disk.