Lattice Quantum Field Theory
Personal Information
This is a short (and, so far, incomplete) outline of my curriculum vitæ.
My full name is Jorge Lacerda de Lyra, I was born on May 20, 1954, in São
Paulo, SP, Brazil, the son of Prof. Carlos Benjamin de Lyra and Mrs. Leda
Lacerda de Lyra. I sign my scientific work as Jorge L. deLyra. My father
was a professor of Mathematics at the University of São Paulo.
Academic Titles:
- B.Sc. in Physics by the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP,
Brazil, on December 1976.
- M.Sc. in Physics by the University de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP,
Brazil, on May 1979.
- Ph.D. in Physics by Yale University, New Haven, CT, EUA, on December
- Private-Docent by the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil,
on August 1997.
Professional Experience:
- Teaching assistant of basic physics at the University of São Paulo,
- Graduate student at the University of São Paulo, from 1976 to 1979,
working under Prof. Henrique Fleming.
- Assistant professor of physics at the School of Engineering of the
"Universidade Estadual Paulista", campus of Ilha Solteira, from 1981 to
- Teaching assistant of basic physics at Yale University, from 1983 to
- Graduate student at Yale University, from 1983 to 1987, working under
Prof. Lee Smolin.
- Postdoctoral research associate on the 1987-1988 academic year, and
postdoctoral fellow on the academic year 1988-1989, at the University of
Texas at Austin, at the Center for Relativity, working under Prof. Bryce
S. DeWitt.
- Assistant professor of physics at the University of São Paulo, from
1989 to 1997.
- Associate professor of physics at the University of São Paulo, from
A Few Papers Published in Traditional Media:
These are the few papers that I actually still care about. Most of the
scientific work that I have done or that I am still doing is available on
the web at this site.
- ``Differentiability and continuity of quantum fields on a lattice'',
J. L. deLyra, T. E. Gallivan and S.-K. Foong, Phys. Rev. D43 (1991)
- ``Finite lattice systems with true critical behavior'', J. L. deLyra,
T. E. Gallivan and S.-K. Foong, Phys. Rev. D46 (1992) 1643-1657.
- ``Symmetry breaking on a finite euclidean lattice'', J. L. deLyra and
A. C. R. Martins, Nucl. Phys. B432 (1994) 621-640.
A few work by students I have advised:
These works by my former students contain significant contributions to the
research line I am interested in.
- Doctoral Thesis by André Cavalcanti Rocha Martins, on October 1996,
at the University of São Paulo, in Portuguese: "Um Estudo sobre Quebra de
Simetria e Comportamento Crítico em Teorias Quânticas de Campos na Rede"
(A Study of Symmetry Breaking and Critical Behavior in Quantum Field
Theory on the Lattice).
- M.Sc. dissertation by Arnaldo Gomes de Oliveira Filho, on April 1998,
in Portuguese: "Configurações Topológicas no Modelo Sigma Não-Linear
SO(2)" (Topological Configurations in the SO(2) Non-Linear Sigma Model).
- M.Sc. dissertation by Silvana Perez, on April 2000, in Portuguese: "O
Conceito de Partícula na Teoria Quântica de Campos na Rede Euclideana"
(The Concept of Particle in Quantum Field Theory on the Euclidean
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JLdL 25Feb11