Debian GNU/Linux      Copyright (C) 1993-1999 Software in the Public Interest
Username: delyra                    In real life: Jorge L. deLyra       

 Name: Jorge L. deLyra, Associate Professor of Physics
 Phones: personal office: (55) (11) 3091-6808
 Department secretaries': (55) (11) 3091-6992 (use this one)
                       or (55) (11) 3091-6995
 Institute fax:  (55) (11) 3814-0503
 Department fax: (55) (11) 3091-6833 (use this one)
 E-mail: (informatics)
 E-mail: (academics)
 WARNING: do NOT send me mail containing ANY amount
          of HTML code, for it will never reach me.
          Also, please do NOT send me mail from ANY
          Windows systems, because mail sent by ANY
          Windows mailers will never reach me.
          Also, please do not send me invitations to
          join so-called social networks, they won't
          be answered; I do not do social networking
          and similar things.
 Address: Departamento de Física Matemática
          Instituto de Física
          Universidade de São Paulo
          Rua do Matão s/n
          Cidade Universitária
          05508-900, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Debian GNU/Linux      Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Software in the Public Interest