We are now in a position to define the finite Fourier transform of
our field, as well as its inverse. As we shall see, the orthogonality of
the modes we defined establishes that this transform will take us to the
normal modes of oscillation of the field within the box. On our
cubic -lattice with periodical boundary conditions we define the
finite Fourier transform of the field
This is a linear transformation of coordinates in the space of field
configurations, taking us from the coordinates
to the also
. The inverse transform,
taking us back to the coordinates in terms of site positions, is given by
where the sum is over all the momenta, that is, an abbreviation such as
Note that, as defined here, and
are both
dimensionless. The fact that the two operations defined above are the
inverses of one another is a consequence of the orthogonality and
completeness relations, as you will have a chance to show in one of the
problems (problem 2.6.1). Observe that all these
relations are exact on finite lattices, that they do not involve any kind
of approximation. What we have here is simply a linear transformation in
a finite-dimensional vector space. As we shall see further along, this
linear transformation allows us to solve exactly the Gaussian model,
which is the Euclidean version of the theory of the free scalar field.
Let us examine now how these transformations behave in the continuum
limit. As we did before in section 2.1, in order to take this
limit we will introduce an external dimensional scale into our system.
Once more we assume that the system is contained in a cubic box of size
in this external system of units. When we make
with constant
, the lattice spacing
of the lattice goes to
zero and the sum that defines the Fourier transform approaches a Riemann
integral over the box of volume
. In this case we may write this
relation, in the limit, as
are the coordinates that describe positions
within the continuous box and
are the discrete
momenta associated to the vectors with integer components
Since we are now within a continuous but still finite box, these modes
associated to
are still discrete, of course, so that the
inverse is given by an infinite series rather than a finite sum, but not
by an integral,
Note that the factor of in the transform guarantees that
still have the same dimensions. These relations
are valid for both the dimensionless field
and the
dimensionfull field
, because they are homogeneous on the fields,
and therefore we may write
The orthogonality and completeness relations may now be written in the form
where, in the limit, the product
transforms into the product of the volume by the Dirac delta function
(problem 2.6.2). We have here the usual relations
for the case of the Fourier transform within a continuous finite box,
that is, for the Fourier series.
Next we may think about taking the limit
, increasing
the box until it takes all space, which will lead us to the usual Fourier
transforms in infinite space. Since the moment of the lowest non-zero
mode in the box has magnitude
, and since they are
equally spaced, the volume occupied by each mode in momentum space is
given by
, which goes to zero as
, so
that in this case the form of the inverse transformation will also
approach an integral. Taking a large but still finite box, the transform
and its inverse can be written approximately as
where, strictly speaking, we cannot yet take the limits because of the
divergent factors of . The orthogonality and completeness relations
may now be written as
where we see that, in this case, the divergent factors of cancel
out. It is clear that the normalization factors involving
are not at
all convenient in the case of the infinite box and, therefore, we will
change the normalizations, so that we may in fact take the limits and
obtain the Fourier transforms in their usual form, in which
have different dimensions,
All the relations examined in this section also have their equivalent
counterparts in non-Euclidean space. In particular, the complex
are, in their
non-Euclidean version, plane waves that propagate in infinite space.
These plane waves will have an important role to play also in the quantum
theory, where they will be associated to free particles. We see here that
the Fourier transformation may also be understood as a decomposition of
functions of position in terms of plane waves.
We wrote here the equations relating to infinite space only for
reference, since in these notes we will seldom be working in an infinite
box. With few exceptions it will suffice to consider the definition of
quantum field-theoretical models inside finite boxes. The normalization
we chose to adopt for the case of finite lattices is appropriate for this
case. In fact, note that with this normalization the zero-momentum
) transform of the field is its average value inside
the box,
This average is also called the zero mode of the field and it will play a special role in the subsequent development of the theory.