We will now elaborate a little the notion of operators that act on the lattice, related to finite differences of the fields. In the usual numerical methods for the solution of differential equations these operators are looked at as approximations on finite lattices for the corresponding objects in the continuum limit, which are differential operators. In order to define the action functionals to be used in the quantum theory it is useful to first study the relation between the discrete and continuum objects in the scope of the classical theory. We will then, in this section, imagine that we are starting from the continuum objects and trying to model them, approximating them by discrete objects. It is clear that this is not our main point of view, but there is no harm in adopting it temporarily to illustrate the discussion of the nature of the relation between these mathematical objects.
Let us recall, then, that we are only talking about the classical theory
of fields, described on finite lattices, with the intention of taking the
classical continuum limit. It is therefore implicitly understood in all
this discussion the existence of an external dimensional scale and of
the corresponding lattice spacing
. For ease of presentation, we will
use in this section the dimensional coordinates
and the
corresponding versors
, for each one of the
direction of the space. Let us consider now in more
detail the definition on the lattice of the finite difference operator
. Considered as an approximation of the differential
operator “partial derivative” it may be represented in several
different ways, for example as the forward difference operator
, which when applied to a function
the lattice produces
or as the backward difference operator
, which
is defined by
or even as the symmetrical difference operator or central
difference operator
, which is given by
The reason for the existence of all these different representations is
that the finite difference operator is in fact an operator with its
arguments on sites and its values on links, and there is no unique or
natural way to represent it only on sites. Note the absence of factors of
in the denominator in these definitions. In the continuum limit the
partial differentiation operator
may be identified with
in any of the forms given above,
It is clear that the operator
can only be applied to
differentiable functions in the continuum limit, unlike the realizations
on the lattice, which can be applied to any functions
defined on the lattice.
Our action functional depends only on the field and its first
derivatives (or rather, finite differences), therefore we are ready to
write it in a more explicit way. It can be verified that from the use of
either the
form or the
form of
the finite-difference operator results the same action on the lattice,
with only next-neighbor couplings among the values of the field at the
various sites,
In both these cases, expanding the square of the finite-difference
operator, one may write as (problem 2.3.1)
What is understood by “next-neighbor couplings” is that, in the terms of the action which involve products of values of the field at different sites, the values involved are in adjacent sites, connected by a link. Note that the inter-site interaction that appears above is similar to an interaction between two spins at neighboring sites, such as the one that appears in the Ising model of magnetism. This elementary interaction among neighboring sites should not be confused with what is usually referred to in the theory as “interaction terms”, which supposedly couple together the Fourier modes of the fields and thus cause plane waves to interact with each other, giving rise to scattering processes in the non-Euclidean version of the theory. These interaction terms will be discussed in a future volume, but are outside the scope of this book.
The use of the realization
, however, produces
from the continuum action a lattice action with more than interactions
between next-neighbor sites. The association of the finite-difference
operator with links is intuitive and very attractive, as well as closely
related to the realization of the lattice of gauge theories, as will be
seen in a future volume. This fact, plus the simplicity of having to deal
only with couplings between next neighbors, would be sufficient to decide
the question as to the type of finite-differencing scheme to choose for
the definition of the theory on the lattice. But we will see in what
follows, in a direct way, that the use of
also be reduced to exactly the same theory on the lattice, and that the
finite-difference operator is inevitably defined on links.
In order to see this we consider the integration by parts of the first
term of the action which, as commented previously, is only a not
too appropriate name for an algebraic operation involving sums of
differences along the lattice. In this way we may write the action as
In spite of the fact that in order to do this with the usual mathematical
language of the continuum it may seem necessary to interpret the term
in a mixed way, with different realizations
of the finite-difference operator
for each factor
involved, for example as
, integration
by parts is just an application of the Stokes theorem and it therefore a
simplicial operation which is exact on the lattice. The form above
for the action is exactly equal to the previous ones, with the use
of any consistent realization of
. With the use of
the Laplacian operator
that appears
above may be defined through its action on lattice functions as
where the definition of the action on the functions of the “second
in the direction
is given by (no
sum over
resulting therefore in
Note that these operators are naturally defined with values on sites, as
is necessary for the expression of the action in terms of the Laplacian.
The second derivative maps values of the function at the points
to a
resulting value to be associated to the point
. One can show
(problems 2.3.2 and 2.3.3) that
the second-derivative operator is obtained by the iterated application of
(which maps
) and
(which maps
It is necessary to emphasize at this point that the iteration of
does not produce the operator
defined above but, instead of that, results in a different realization of
, related to the differences of second order
given by
In the context of the classical theory this is related to a higher-order
to the continuum operator
. Note that, with its use, the action
would involve
more than couplings between next neighbors. It is clear that our point
here is not to obtain better approximations to the solutions of the
classical theory and we will never use these higher-order realizations of
the finite-difference operator. For us the important realizations are
those that appear in the various forms of the action that we have already
seen, which may be obtained by the direct application of the realization
on the links, be it in the form
or in the form
Of course we could consider the definition of the theory with the
finite-difference operator
defined on sites and
the higher-order realization
given above. The interesting
thing is that the theory would still be the same in any case, and that we
would be simply rescaling the continuum limit by a factor of two. In fact
one can verify that, in
dimensions with even
and periodical
boundary conditions, the use of
corresponds exactly to the representation on
the lattice of
simultaneous and non-interacting copies of the
same model, with a lattice spacing parameter rescaled by two, equal
therefore to
. For odd
the use of the central finite-difference
operator will produce a multiple cover of the torus and we end up with a
single realization of the model wrapped up
times around the
torus, with both
rescaled by a factor of two.
Figure 2.3.1 may help in the visualization of these
facts in the case
. In the figure the lines with arrows point to the
two subsets of sites which are related by the dynamics of the theory. In
one dimension one of the two sets is the set of sites with even integer
coordinates, and the other is the set of sites with odd integer
coordinates. According to the dynamics of the theory, each one of these
two sets interacts internally, but each one of them does not interact at
all with the other one (problems 2.3.4
and 2.3.5).
Observe that this realization by means of
complicate the counting of the degrees of freedom of the models. Where we
thought we had a single field value per site we end up with
independent field values, which are non-interacting or interacting only
through the boundary conditions. It is interesting to observe that the
realization on the lattice of fermionic fields also involves
multiplications of the spectrum of particles by factors of
, a
phenomenon that remains as one of the main open problems for that type of
field. In that case the problem appears in momentum space rather than
position space, but it seems likely that in that case too the problem may
reduce to the question of counting degrees of freedom.
We see therefore that in these realizations the finite-difference
operator ends up once more associated in a natural way to links, now with
length , a fact that leads us to think that the association of finite
differences to links has a certain character of inevitability. The same
is true for more complex models such as, for example, the polynomial
models and the sigma models, so long as consistent use is made in them of
either the
or the
realizations. Since we do
not have any interest in having to deal with several identical copies of
the same model sharing the same lattice, in what follows we will restrict
the discussion to only the case of next-neighbor couplings.
Remember that
and that
, and consider in
detail the action of these operators over lattice functions, calculating
for example
Verify in each case that, with respect to the definition given in the text, there is a displacement of the point to which the value of the operator should be associated, and examine the consequences of this displacement in the case of fixed boundary conditions, and in the case of periodical boundary conditions.
depends only on the fields
at the
odd sites and
only on the fields
at the
even sites. In this way one sees that the classical dynamics of the
system separates in two independent parts.